Woman asks pup ‘who’s your best friend’ and laughs when she sees who he picked
Oh, the betrayal.
Patricia Lynn

Dogs love their toys. Often, they pick one toy and decide that one is more special than all the rest.

Then they hold onto that toy tightly and won’t let go.

Unsplash/Trent Jackson
Unsplash/Trent Jackson

They say a dog is a man’s best friend, but when it comes to toys, it can be tough for a dog to choose which one is his favorite.

So when one woman decided that she was going to put her dog up to the ultimate friendship test and make him choose his best friend out of a selection of toys, it wasn’t quite as straightforward as she first thought.


Despite the pup consistently picking his moose throughout the majority of the video, things get more complicated when a toy pizza is introduced into the mix.

The dog ends up betraying his toy moose and picking the pizza as his new best friend.

The moral of this story? Food always comes first.


Benji the 4-year-old Maltese/Shih Tzu mix lives in New England with his mom, and he is a bit of an online sensation.

The sweet pup has a large Instagram following as well as 16.2k subscribers, and after watching one of his most popular videos, it’s not hard to see why!


Titled, “Who’s your best friend?” the viral video was posted onto HeyyyBenji Official and has over 4.5 million views, as well as thousands of likes and comments.

In the video, Benji is faced with a selection of best friend choices, beginning with just his moose.


The moose seems to be one of Benji’s most-loved toys, and each time he is asked, “Who’s your best friend?” and faced with more and more toys, his heart is still always set on his moose.

Even when tempted with toy chickens, frogs, and dragons, Benji’s loyalty never wavers and he always selects the moose.

That is, until his toy pizza arrives on the scene.


Proving just how loyal Benji is to his one true love (food), the funny little pup picks the toy pizza as his favorite, despite his toy moose sitting right there in front of him!

Oh, the betrayal…

As Benji puts his paw on top of the pizza toy, his mom asks, “pizza?” in surprise, and the pup at least has the decency to look a little guilty. But he still doesn’t move his paw.


People took to the comments to share their thoughts on the little pup’s betrayal, with one person writing:

“A truly wise dog. Friends come and go, but pizza always just a phone call away.”

Another speculated that the dog was simply fed up of the game, saying:

“If I answer differently, maybe she’ll stop asking me the same damn question.”

A final person joked:

“Benji’s Law: If you are presented with a finite number of possible solutions to a problem and one of them is pizza, the correct answer is always pizza.”

We can’t blame the pup for picking pizza — after all, pizza is truly delicious. Hopefully, there’s no hard feelings with the moose.

Check out the hilarious moment where the pup ‘betrays’ his moose friend in the video below!

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