Scotland raising the bar in animal welfare with hefty 5-year prison sentence for animal abuse
Scotland is sending out a very clear message.
Michael Dabu

The number of animal-related cases keeps on rising. It’s a global ongoing problem that never ceases to diminish.

But animals deserve better from us.


Laws have been created to lessen the number of offenders but these seemed to be inefficient in turning the volume of crimes down. In Scotland, crimes against animals only had a maximum of 1-year imprisonment.

Thankfully, that already changed and they’re hoping it’ll turnover positive results.


The Scottish government has increased the penalty for animal cruelty to 5 years.

This new legislation strengthens the previous Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act of 2006.

This bill was passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament and it’s considered a triumph for groups and organizations that fight for animal rights and welfare.

Not only 5 years in prison but animal abusers are also set to face unlimited fines.


Also, rescued animals that are taken into custody on welfare grounds can now be given to a new owner or can be sold even without the intervention of the court. The sole purpose of this move is for these poor animals to have their new home and family for a faster healing process.

It’s indeed a huge leap in fighting for animal rights.


It’s not just a step, but a leap forward by Scotland in fighting this problem.

One horrible story about animal abuse was recorded in the U.K. A pitbull in Northern Ireland named Patch had to be put to sleep after acid was poured on her body by her heartless abuser.

Facebook/ Ireland
Facebook/ Ireland

“We believe that this change will help protect innocent animals and act as a proper deterrent to those who abuse and mistreat animals,” a spokeswoman for animal welfare organization, Battersea, told Edinburgh News.

Finn’s Law.

Finn’s law: The police dog who saved his handler’s life

This police dog was stabbed twice in the line of duty but still managed to save his handler’s life and catch the suspected robber.

Today, Finn will be given the highest animal bravery award.

PDSA – Saving Pets, Changing Lives | Finnforchange | #FinnsLaw

Posted by Channel 5 News on Sunday, 6 May 2018

This amendment to the pre-existing law for animals is like Finn’s Law, a law named after a police dog who was stabbed by a robber. That day back in 2016, Finn, together with his handler PC Dave Wardell in Hertfordshire, England, U.K. were chasing a robbery suspect.

Unfortunately, Finn got stabbed on the head and the suspect was only charged with criminal damage. Thankfully, Finn survived and became the voice of abused animals all across the U.K. since then.

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.


They are also known as Battersea and they’re a huge supporter of this new law. Battersea is based in London and is operating all across the U.K. To show their support, they wrote on their website.

“The Scottish Government has sent out a clear message that Scotland will not tolerate the most heinous animal cruelty crimes and will respond accordingly. We believe that this change will help protect innocent animals and act as a proper deterrent to those who abuse and mistreat animals.”

Creating the Animal Welfare Commission.


On top of the increased penalties, the Scottish Government also put up an Animal Welfare Commission that consists of experts. Their aim is to improve the state of animal welfare in the country.

Because of the commission’s undying efforts, the changes to the old Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act of 2006 were made. With the continuous actions of various groups and organizations, more and more countries could possibly follow through with the changes made by Scotland.


After all, every life matters, and it’s only right to fight for animals’ well-being.

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