No matter how great your neighborhood is, there’s going to be a time or two when you see something a little unusual. It’s called life and it happens to everyone. But in most cases, the things that people see involve humans … not a tiger.
A beautiful Houston neighborhood
At home on a Sunday, a guy was going about his business when he happened to glance outside the window. At first, he thought he was hallucinating but then he looked a little closer. That can’t be possible … a Bengal tiger?

Not your typical weekend
The home located in Fleetwood on Ivy Wall Drive is usually peaceful. It’s a place where neighbors get along and everyone takes good care of their property. But then, several different individuals saw the same thing.

An evening to remember
It started around 8:00 p.m. when one man saw the tiger outside his window and then two more families spotted it while taking a casual walk. They had to do something to protect the people of the neighborhood but to also keep the tiger safe.

The right neighbor
Fortunately, Wes Manion, a deputy from the Waller County Sheriff’s Office, lived in the same area. So, the first call they made was to him. Within minutes, he arrived on Ivy Wall Drive, hoping to spot what everyone was calling a Bengal tiger.

Being prepared
Considering that an adult Bengal tiger can weigh anywhere from 450 to 550 pounds and that they’re super powerful, Manion had to be ready for anything. So, he came armed with his service weapon, which he hoped he didn’t have to use.

You’ve got to be kidding
Just as Minion approached the spot where people saw the tiger, something happened that was completely shocking. A man came running out of his house. He kept telling the deputy not to shot the animal. Then, he got hold of the tiger and took it back inside his house.

Time for an explanation
Within a few minutes, the man walked back outside with the tiger in tow. That’s when he opened his truck door, led the animal inside, and drove off. But he wasn’t nice about it as he ran over a neighbor’s yard.

What’s going on?
The supposed owner of the Bengal tiger sped off without any concern for others. As expected, other officers who’d shown up followed him, which lead to a police chase. Unfortunately, the man was able to evade them.

Tense moments
Although the neighbors now knew the tiger had an owner, or so they thought, the situation made everyone upset. As one woman stated, little kids go up and down the street, and even with a gentle animal, there’s too much of a risk. After all, a wild animal is always a wild animal.

The backstory
Come to find out, the man also had a monkey. In this community, pet monkeys are allowed but Bengal tigers aren’t. So, the landlord has now started the eviction process and after some searching, the police found the man and arrested him, who come to find out, doesn’t own the tiger.

This all occurred yesterday, March 10. The only problem is that the Bengal tiger is still on the loose. At this time, multiple organizations are involved in trying to locate the animal and bring it safely to the right place. You can learn more about this developing story by clicking on the video below.
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Source: Click2Houston, KPRC Click2Houston