Couple Adopts Orphaned, Injured Baby Deer, Don't Realize He'll Become Best Friends With Their Cat
These two are adorable!
Jonathan Maes

The story of Hoppy the deer is certainly a very special one. On a hot summer day, the young couple Tony and Amanda returned to their home and noticed something laying on their doorstep.

They were surprised to see an injured and weak baby deer and wanted to do everything they could to nurse the deer back to good health again.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

Tony and Amanda live in the middle of the woods in Quebec and noticed that the deer almost couldn’t walk anymore. They were scared that he wouldn’t make it in the woods on his own, so they took the fawn in.

“I came back up to the house, and there was a fawn, literally laying on our doorstep,” Tony said.

“He had to trust us, in order to survive,” Amanda added.

For days, they cared for the baby deer and fed hem warm goat milk every single day.

It didn’t take long before the young deer would fully recover and happily run around again.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

Tony and Amanda then decided to adopt the deer and named him Hoppy.

“He’s like a dog and he’s getting excited when he goes for a walk,” Amanda says.

A bit later, the couple decided that they would get a cat as well: the adorable Tiptree. It didn’t take long before an unlikely but extremely beautiful friendship had formed.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

The two quickly became inseparable and did everything together.

Even though there was a major size difference between the two, they always play around together. Hoppy and Tiptree even groom each other, and Tony and Amanda uploaded a YouTube a video of the two playing which quickly went viral.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

As you can see below, Hoppy absolutely loves his feline friend. He gives them hefty and quick licks to show his affection for the cat.

It’s safe to say that Tiptree is a little bit drenched, but he doesn’t seem to mind all that much.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

The story of Hoppy the deer quickly spread and a documentary about the fawn was even made. Hoppy has its own website and the 28-minute-long documentary was released for rent on online platforms and is also available on DVD.

“It’s a terribly sweet story, very Canadian in its kindness and touchingly funny,” a reporter from The Globe And Mail said about the documentary.

Hoppy The Deer
Hoppy The Deer

It’s incredible to see how a wild animal received a second chance thanks to these wonderful people who gave him a loving home.

What a sweet rescue story and an adorable friendship!

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