No one would want to get stuck in heavy freeway traffic, but what if it was because of a dog in danger?
What would you do?

A dramatic rescue unfolded on I-94, and cars at the end of the queue didn’t have any idea what caused the pile-up. Several cars ahead, police officers huddled around a woman who was hunched over a German shepherd.
According to reports, a German shepherd somehow got loose and ran into the freeway.
Of all the places the dog chose to run into, it was a busy freeway where he was trapped between fast-moving vehicles. One step timed wrong could end up badly for the panicking dog.
But fortunately, there are people who are more than willing to help.

Debbie Allen said to WXYZ that she was on her way to meet a client when she saw the dog. Allen, who was also a dog owner, slowly stopped to investigate.
She knew the German shepherd was in grave danger.
“I saw a dog in the middle of the road and it was obviously limping so I knew it had been hit,” she said to the local news outlet.

According to WXYZ, traffic came to a halt when the dog ran uphill. Allen then looped around to make sure the dog was safe.
Allen followed to dog through the highway.
The two sat right beside the center divider of the road, barely missing any car that pass them by. Throughout the entire ordeal, Allen was talking to the dog to reassure it that he was safe and that help was already on the way.

“I sat with the dog and told him he was safe, and I had him look at me because he was looking for an escape route. And I said no, no, look at me you’re safe,” she said to the local news outlet.
Circumstances surrounding the dog’s background remained a mystery, especially when Allen described the dog as well-groomed, well-fed, and well-behaved.

They suspect that the dog escaped someone’s yard and ended up on the highway.
Unfortunately, the dog was not microchipped and none has stepped forward to claim the dog. The dog, now named Marco by shelter staff, shared that Allen has been taking care of him since his rescue.

Allen even got Marco a new toy and top-of-the-line dog food. Marco is also receiving behavior training from the team at Michigan Humane.
Marco is still under observation.

“Currently, he is still under observation with our medical team we are looking at potentially some additional medical procedures that might need to happen down the line for him,” Chrisman from the Michigan Humane said.
As for Allen, people are claiming that she is a hero for what she did for the dog, especially in the middle of a busy highway.

“Something made me go down that road I’m just glad the timing and everything worked out,” Allen said to WXYZ, hinting that God wanted her to help that day.
She also said that she was just a human being, not some kind of hero.
Watch how a dramatic dog rescue unfolded in I-94.
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