The three-year-old dog Murray didn’t exactly have an easy life. When he was a little pup, he was abused, neglected and sustained severe injuries.
Luckily, the Alcovy Pet Rescue found the helpless little Beagle. His tail almost had to be amputated and more than half of one of his ears was missing.
His injuries were so severe that it wasn’t possible to place him up for adoption, although he remained in the animal shelter.
Claudette Towe noticed Murray in the shelter and totally changed his life.
Claudette took little Murray in and fostered him. He received socialization training for more than a month to reduce his fears of people because of his abuse.
The story of Murray quickly spread and it wasn’t long until U.S Customs Agents found out about Murray as well. They decided to train Murray to become an agricultural specialist – a sniffing dog that specializes in detecting all sorts of fauna and flora.
Claudette felt that personality-wise, Murray seemed perfect for a job at the canine department of customs at an airport. “These dogs aren’t meant to live at home,” she says in an interview with Inside Edition, “They have a lot of energy and are always looking for food.”
Those are good traits to have for customs dogs, who need to check luggage for substances such as narcotics, illegal animals or plants that aren’t allowed into the country.
Murray looks absolutely magnificent in his customs costume and is being referred to as ‘Officer Murray’ now. Every time he does a good job, he also gets some sweets from his coworkers at the airport.
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