Wolf Stalks Woman In Woods, Shows True Colors With Next Move
I could watch this all day <3
D.G. Sciortino

When some people think of wolves, they think of fearsome predators but not the people at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center in Divide, Colorado.

They see their wolves as beautiful, loving, and affectionate creatures.

Yes, you heard that right! Some of the wolves at the sanctuary are big on cuddling and kisses.

Which is why the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center aims to educate the public on how gentle and important these creatures can be.

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According to their website, their exact mission is to:

  • Educate the public through tours and programs about the importance of wolves, coyotes, and foxes to our eco-system.

  • Educate the public about the importance of preservation and conservation of the forests, land, and water that supports wildlife, flora, and fauna for future generations to enjoy.

  • Provide natural habitats and exceptional lives for the animals entrusted to our care since they cannot live in the wild.

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Most of the wolves at the sanctuary are rescued or come from other sanctuaries or zoos and are brought to the sanctuary as a safe haven and for educational purposes.

The Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center believes that the best way for people to learn about the true nature of the wolf is to see it for themselves.

And nothing is more telling about their wolves than the viral video that shows Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center employee Danielle with wolves Kekoa and Sakura.

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The video shows Danielle walking with Keoka and kneeling down to feed her directly from her hand.

Keoka is so grateful that she starts planting giant kisses on Danielle’s face.

Sakura then enters the frame looking for some loves to0 and finds it from the person shooting the video. Keoka is then seen plopping down right next to Danielle.

“And Danielle you’re an average sized person,” the videographer says making reference to the fact that Keoka is towering over Danielle even though she is sitting down.

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That’s when the massive wolf plops down on her back and holds out her arms as if she’s begging for a hug or a belly rub. After she gets her belly rubs, she goes back to planting some more sweet kisses on Danielle’s face.

These wolves are the true definition of gentle giants. It kind of makes you wish that you had a wolf as a pet.

However, the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center doesn’t think that’s the best idea.

“We believe wolves should be wolves and dogs should be dogs,” they write on their website. “However, if your intent is to own a wolf dog, you should take full and total responsibility of that animal.”

Also, you probably shouldn’t try to hug a wolf if you ever come across one in the wild. Just watch the video below instead!

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