Nature just has a way of showing off. The beauty and detail found in many of Earth’s creatures can make one think that an artist sat down with a color palette and got to work dreaming them up! In the modern-day, most of our interaction with nature is through a screen, but occasionally, our backyard provides us with a first-hand view.

Television shows or YouTube videos are about the “wildest” that we get!

Besides the occasional camping trip, it can be difficult to see rare and beautiful creatures in their natural habitat. Through videos and television personalities, we get a chance to see some of these creatures in our own homes. The Crocodile Hunter is a great example of this.

Occasionally, we get a chance to look in our own backyard for nature’s beauty.

Whether it is from a bird feeder that attracts an unexpected guest, or a garden that showcases an interesting bug, the last “wild” places left in our lives are sometimes our backyards.
One woman saw a fascinating creature sitting on her back deck.
This moth exists in nature and it’s ON MY DECK
— Rebecca Lavoie (@reblavoie) May 21, 2020
When Rebecca Lavoi was enjoying some time outside on her deck, she noticed that there was something interesting that had decided to join her. Known as a Rosy Maple Moth, Rebecca was visited by one of the prettiest creatures on Earth!
These beautiful moths are shockingly pretty.

Their scientific name is Dryocampa Rubicunda, but the common name, Rosy Maple Moth, tells us a lot more about it. These moths look like a kid got ahold of a pastel coloring kit and went to town coloring outside the lines!
Where are these moths found?

Rosy Maple Moths are found in Northeast America, but they can be seen occasionally in some other places. If you want a chance to see one of these moths, living from Florida up through Canada and west to Texas is your best bet.
Their coloration is always different.

The moths share a similar color scheme between them but are usually white, yellow, and pink. The University of Virginia explains in detail:
“Their wings are creamy yellow or white, with rosy pink markings on the margins and bases. Their coloration, however, is extremely variable; in some the wings may be pink with small slivers of yellow; in others the pink markings may be less noticeable.
Moths with very few pink markings are classified as the subspecies alba, and usually occur in Missouri. Their heads and bodies are typically furry and yellow; their antennae and legs are red-pink and the former are feathery.”
If you are hunting for a sight of these wonderful moths, check these tips out.

The biggest prerequisite for finding these moths in living in their habitat. As mentioned before, the East Coast from Florida to Canada, and as far west as Texas are the best spots to see them. A second tip is to look around maple trees. As one could guess, the Rosy Maple Moths enjoy nesting in maple trees. If you don’t have maple trees around you, oaks are your next best shot.
A reminder of the wilderness found in our backyards.

Always be on the lookout for the small and beautiful things that are around us every day! There is something to be said for the beauty of the small and common, as well as the distant and rare.
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