Woman takes in a black panther then introduces it to her Rottweiler
Their owner didn't know quite what to expect when she introduced them to each other.
Irene Markianou

Have you ever rescued a cat or a dog? How did it feel? We bet the animal was too cute to ignore; once you saw it you had to take it home.


But, what if the animal rescued and taken home wasn’t a pet but a wild animal instead?

Specialists warn us about the reasons why wild animals don’t make good pets. For instance, they could carry diseases potentially harmful to humans, they could hurt their owner, or their life in captivity could lead their species to become endangered.


However, there are still people who take wild animals home, and sometimes it seems that they were just meant to own those lovely creatures.

By running a quick search on the Internet, you can find instances of people who own snakes, bears, otters, apes, and even leopards.


Yes, you read that correctly: there is at least one person out there who owns a black panther!

Her name is Victoria, she’s 31 years old, and a while ago she rescued a black panther from a local zoo.

But let’s go back to the beginning of the story to make things more clear.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

Luna the panther was born in a Siberian zoo.


Soon after she was born, and for unknown reasons, she was rejected by her mother, who refused to give her much-needed milk. Luna wouldn’t have made it since she was thrown out of the nest, but she was lucky to be rescued.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

The zoo staff had to make a decision regarding her.

Initially, she was taken in temporarily by Victoria, who had experience with big cats, and then the zoo management planned to sell her.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

This would have been an ill fate for cute Luna, so Victoria decided she would buy her instead.

Victoria, who had been through a similar situation before, was the ideal mom for Luna. She knew how to take good care of her, and she knew what kind of vitamins and foods she had to give her in order to grow up healthy.

“I was asked to take care of the kitten, because I already had a similar experience, and I was territorially closest to the zoo. I agreed to take care of her, and then decided to redeem Luna,” Victoria says.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

Today, Luna is ten months old and she’s already a big cat, literally.

Victoria loves her and enjoys spending time with her, but there’s one more family member that has grown fond of the black panther: Venza the rottweiler.

When Luna and Venza first met, things between them were awkward, but, as time passed, they became best friends.

Now, the panther and the dog play together at home or outside, in the snow, while Victoria is busy taking care of them and making sure they receive much love and many hugs on a daily basis.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

Victoria has opened an Instagram account where she posts cute photos and updates on Luna, while she’s also on TikTok and YouTube, sharing amazing videos with the public.

It is important to highlight here that, according to Bored Panda, Victoria is an experienced owner of big cats, and that she knows how to take care of such animals.

YouTube via Luna_the_pantera
YouTube via Luna_the_pantera

In the video below, you can see for yourself how strong ofna bond there is between Venza and Luna and how adorable they look when playing together.

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