Farmer Films Kind Wolves On His Farm In Canada
How would you react if you came across a wolf?
Arianna Etemadieh

Imagine going about your daily business as a farmer in a rural area, only to notice some unexpected guests trespassing on your land.

That’s exactly what happened to a couple of rural Canadian farmers, only the unexpected guests weren’t guests at all, but rather dangerous arctic wolves!


In an amazing and shocking video captured below, a pack of arctic wolves approached farm workers in a remote part of Northern Canada.

In true Canadian fashion, at the sight of these dangerous predators, the farmer gives a cheery, “Hi!”

The video was filmed in the northern-most part of Nunavut.

Thankfully, the wolves were only curious. They smelled around the work yard, including the trash and their bags, and gave some howls while the man filming offers a little narration.


At one of the most tense parts of the video, one of the wolves approach the man recording the video and begins to sniff him.

“I can’t believe this, this is the closest I’ve been,” he can be heard saying.

His colleague assures him not to worry as the wolf is only smelling him.

But after a reasonable amount of time, the farmer says, “I think I’ve tested my luck for the day.”


Interestingly, at almost two minutes into the video, a third wolf appears!


According to the farmer who recorded the video, the three wolves were part of a pack of seven wolves that live around Nunavut.

The amazing footage was originally captured in October 2014, however it has recently resurfaced around the Internet, and I’m glad it did.

In the words of the filming farmer: “This is an awesome video”.

See for yourself below!

Please SHARE this awe-inspiring with your friends and family.

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