The way in which surprise visits are received probably says a lot about the personality of a person. For the extroverted types, a surprise visit to their home is welcomed all the time. For the introverted types, a surprise visit shows a lack of planning and is considered rude.

While opinions may differ on surprise visits, one particular visitor was quite the looker for this couple!

Beatryz Costa and her husband have been getting their home in Brazil ready for their little one on the way. The excitement of a new baby brings a light to a family that few things do. As they were getting the new baby room ready, a visitor decided to stop by and say hello!
While cleaning out the room, she looked outside the window and noticed an incredible creature.

Picking up some things in the nursery, Beatryz noticed a flash of color outside her window and decided to check it out. When she did, she found herself looking at the bright beak of a toucan!
Deciding to video the beautiful bird, she didn’t realize how intimate it would become.

Opening the window for a better look, she started filming the big bird. It almost looks like an alien is hopping around her roof. It is such a unique creature that one would think it was some sort of CGI if we didn’t know they existed!
The toucan bill is actually quite light!

One might think that a toucan bill is heavy, but it is actually made out of keratin, the stuff your hair is made from. It is also a honeycomb structure so it isn’t very dense. It can’t be used for fighting or hard pecking like other birds beaks can. They can also be quite noisy!
As Beatryz was filming, the bird hopped around, giving her a great shot!

Hopping around, the bird got closer and closer to the open window. Soon enough, it was right outside. Birds are usually pretty timid but this toucan was acting pretty brave.
All of a sudden, the bird jumped onto her windowsill and into her room!

As she was talking to the bird, it suddenly jumped on the windowsill and then right into her room! There wasn’t much to be afraid of but it was enough to make one jump. As the bird looked around the nursery, it tilts its head around, making it appear questioning.
After a bit, she calls her husband to see the bird.

It is quite a sight to see as a massive bird looks around the room. One might consider this a good luck sign for their coming baby. Blessed by a toucan is better than nothing!
We will know if the bird had any effect on the baby if it grows up loving Fruit Loops!

We all know what a toucan is because of Toucan Sam! It seems like this family just had quite the encounter with one of his Brazilian cousins.
A great reminder of the beauty of nature!

Creatures like this are reminders of the wonder of nature. When you see such a starkly unique creature in a bedroom, it really shocks the mind a bit.
Check out the video below!
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