This sleepy and very unamused creature looks how we all feel
These South American creatures look like they're always about to fall asleep and we can relate.

Sure, the Viscacha is a rodent, but that doesn’t mean we can’t relate.

The furry animals – also called vizcachas – belong to the Chinchillidae family and are native to South America. So while they look like bunnies that have had enough of this cruel world, they aren’t related to rabbits at all.


Why do we care?

Well, the viscacha is in our social media feeds lately because they’re what the kids these days like to call a “big mood.”

That mood? They can’t even.

Some people have long known about the adorable species while others have only recently heard about them after a viral Tweet from (a now-private) account, @goblinkoenig, that simply said:


“Today I learned that this exists. It’s a viscacha. I feel you, buddy.”

Then, others followed suit.

Hang in there, baby

It’s been a rough year and we’re all pretty tired. So what better mascot for us at this moment in time than an animal that looks perpetually 1) over it, and 2) like it’s about to fall over from exhaustion?

We haven’t had this kind of spirit animal since the “Hang in there, baby” kitten!


The “cute” version

Now, you’ll want to know that this is a southern or mountain viscacha. They’re found in South America, but so are “plains viscachas” which are considered significantly less cute, destroy land with their burrowing, and are sometimes eaten.

Our viscacha lives in the Southern Andes mountains, and it sometimes called a long-tailed rabbit. That’s because it really does look like a fuzzy bunny and gets around by hopping. These little guys (and gals) live in colonies, just like chinchillas, and tend to feed on grasses and mosses.

Feeling our pain

Of course, you can debate about the expression of the viscacha. Is it sad? Tired? Disappointed? Or maybe the sun is just in their eyes all the time.

The latter actually seems pretty likely since they live in such sunny mountains. And their hobby? Sunning themselves on rocks all day.

Can we be reincarnated as one of these, please?

No, you can’t have one

Just like any other wild animals, you can’t keep these as pets (nor should you try). But who needs to when they can just look in the mirror and see the same general expression?!


Life for the viscacha isn’t all naps and sour looks. They’re hunted by humans for fur and meat and need to be on the lookout for predators such as foxes. They’re not endangered, but we do put their habitats in danger with more and more development.

Maybe that’s why they look like they’ve had enough!

If you want to see one of these adorable creatures in “action,” be sure to scroll down below for a video.


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