Meet Red: a young lion who’s filled with curiosity and loves exploring.

As Red started getting older, he began exploring more and more of his pride’s territory. One day, the young lion ventured to the very edge of his territory. This ended up being a mistake.
Soon after Red arrived at the edge of the territory, a group of more than 20 hyenas approached him.

The hyenas surrounded Red, laughing in a way that almost sounded like they were mocking him. Red growled in anger, but he didn’t move to attack the hyenas. He knew he was outnumbered and fighting them would never work.
For a moment, it appeared like Red wasn’t going to survive this encounter with the hyenas.

Red continued growling, hoping he could scare the hyenas into moving away. But it didn’t work—the hyenas weren’t going to let him go that easily. With no other options available, Red tried attacking the hyenas, and he was able to bite one of them. But then the other hyenas attacked Red, and the hyena Red had bitten got away unscathed.

Red started getting tired, and he began fighting back less and less. The hyenas seemed to sense Red’s tiredness, and their laughter got even louder. They were going to win this fight after all.
Then, in a movie-like twist, someone unexpectedly appeared to help Red: his best friend Tatu!

Tatu ran as fast as he could to his friend’s side. Together, the two lions fought the hyenas. The hyenas quickly realized that even though there were more than 20 of them, they wouldn’t be able to win a fight against two male lions.
The pack of hyenas retreated, leaving Tatu and Red alone to celebrate their victory.

Red and Tatu were so happy to see each other, and to show their affection, they rubbed heads together. Red flopped into the grass, relieved that he had made it through his terrifying fight with the hyenas.

Video of the lion’s fight with the hyenas appeared on the BBC Earth show “Dynasties.” The BBC also shared the video on their YouTube page. It quickly went viral, receiving more than eight million views in only one week.
YouTubers added tons of hilarious comments to the video, including this Youtuber’s theory about who disliked the video.

Another commenter was amazed by the similarities between lions and domestic cats!

Red and Tatu did an incredible job fighting off a huge number of hyenas together. If you’d like to see the pair in action, check out the video below!
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