Tiger cub rescued from dog-sized cage can’t contain joy when he finally gets to run and play
This tiger was living in deplorable conditions illegally. We're so glad someone tipped off authorities to its illegal state.
Jaclyn Abergas

A tiger has been found in deplorable conditions inside a private home in Arizona.

In the state of Arizona, it is illegal to privately possess wild animals, including tigers. Authorities found out about this illegal possession when they found an ad selling a Bengal Tiger cub on social media for $25,000.

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

They posed as buyers and “negotiated” the price to $20,000 before they “picked up” the tiger.

When they arrived at the house, they found the tiger kept inside a closet in a cafe that was the size of a dog kennel, around 2 to 3 feet.

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

The tiger isn’t the only wild animal they found inside the house.

They also found baby snapping turtles, and a baby American alligator in a small aquarium.

Eduardo Castro Alcaraz, the man selling the tiger, was charged by a grand jury with unlawful taking/handling/possession/sale of wildlife, a class 6 felony.

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

Wildlife experts denounce this illegal possession but are not surprised it happened.

“It’s not something you hear about happening often here in Arizona. However, it is a problem,” Kristy Hayden, President of Wildlife World Zoo, explained. “It’s a problem worldwide, and it’s a problem that greatly affects the population of these tigers.”

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

Luckily, this tiger was rescued by authorities before it falls into the wrong hands.

While this was an ongoing case though, the tiger had to stay inside the state. The Arizona Game & Fish Department knew exactly who to call to care for the tiger – Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The tiger arrived at Southwest Wildlife when it was about four weeks old and 23 lbs. They placed her inside a large enclosure, where is free to run and play.

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Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

Despite its terrible living conditions, the tiger didn’t develop any disease or medical condition.

“She’s often doing watersports,” Jamie Haas Oliver, Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center marketing and development manager, told The Dodo. “She likes to sit in her little water tubs that we have out there for her [and] bat balls around just like your housecat would, although she’s absolutely not a housecat.”

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Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

Even though the tiger was a little uncertain when it first arrived, the tiger has adjusted to its new life and is eating well.

She gains about ten pounds a week. She’s eating a lot. She’s so playful. very curious, and active. social, she cries whenever someone is not giving her attention,” Jamie Oliver shared. “She has the opportunity to be outside to climb and jump off of things, and you know, learn how to be a tiger and really help build those muscles she needs to grow.”

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

As of May 1, 2023, the tiger is now four months old and weighs around 85 lbs.

Southwest Wildlife will keep the tiger at the center while the case is still ongoing. Once it is over, the tiger will be transferred to an out-of-state sanctuary, where it can live among other tigers.

Instagram - Southwest Wildlife
Instagram - Southwest Wildlife

Watch the tiger run and play at the center in the video below.

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