Dog Has Great Reaction Learning She's Cancer Free
You can just feel her joy through the screen!
Cedric Jackson

Finding out a beloved pet is sick and doesn’t have long to live, can be devastating. They are like family members to most people and a good pet owner would do anything to keep their pets healthy and happy. One pet owner is sharing her story to help educate others and to bring hope to people who find out their pets have terminal illnesses.

Viral Hog
Viral Hog

When Lily’s owners noticed that she wasn’t acting right, they took her to the veterinarian.

She hadn’t been sick for long and it seemed to happen pretty quickly. They hoped that it was something simple, maybe she had just eaten something she shouldn’t have or had a cold. They weren’t prepared for what really happened.

The owner said,

“Overnight Lily got sick. She could hardly stand. We took her in and they found a tumor on her spleen. She was bleeding internally, and so anemic her breathing was affected she needed a blood transfusion or she would be dead in hours. Once they stabilized her they told us it was Hemangiosarcoma, and it’s very common in Golden Retrievers. It comes on fast and she only had days to live if we didn’t do surgery. “


They didn’t hesitate to do the surgery and they spent a lot of money trying to save their precious pup.


Still, things weren’t looking good for Lily. The vet told them that even with surgery, Lily didn’t have long to live. Her owner added,

“The bad news was that even if we did do the surgery she’d only have months. There was a small chance, only 10 percent chance that it was the benign kind. The vet said that in her 20 years of emergency medicine, she never had a case where that happened. We emptied our savings account and did the surgery. They removed a six-pound tumor!”

YouTube Screenshot Kittyadorable
YouTube Screenshot Kittyadorable

They took Lily home and helped her recover.


They noticed that her health was improving and while they were relieved, they also didn’t want to get their hopes up. After all, the vet had told them that she didn’t think Lily was going to live much longer. Her owner said,

“She immediately seemed better. But they said it would only be temporary. That in a few months she would bleed out. I kept saying, ‘but what if it is benign?’ They were clear that it has never happened and we should be prepared and just enjoy our time with her.”

YouTube Screenshot Kittyadorable
YouTube Screenshot Kittyadorable

They spent as much time with the dog as they could and waited for the results of the tests.

They were nervous but all they could do was keep Lily happy and comfortable for as long as possible. Her owner continued,

“One week later we got the results. This was the moment I told her.”

Briarwood Animal Hospital
Briarwood Animal Hospital

Lily’s owners decided to record the moment they broke the news to the dog.

It turns out, the tumor was benign. Lily was going to be okay and her life expectancy was no longer limited to a few months. She was going to be able to enjoy a long life with her loving owners.

Her owners said,

“I wanted a video for those searching for information about this cancer because I didn’t find many encouraging things.”

Family Vet
Family Vet

They shared the video online and it was viewed millions of times.

On the video, the owner is heard telling the dog that she needs to sit down for the news. The dog sits. As soon as the owner tells the dog that she is cancer free, she starts hopping around as if she understands. Whether she really does or not, is unknown, but she is clearly happy in the video. Her owners added,

“Since then the video has had nearly 500 million views and hundreds of thousands of comments and shares from people who said they lost their pets to this cancer or who decided to give their animals a chance and do the surgery and who also had good results.”

Lily is clearly a lucky little dog. Her owners are thrilled with the news too and now they can continue to live a happy life with their beloved dog.

Watch the wonderful moment below.

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Source: Unilad
