Tiniest stray puppy chases cop down the street and asks to be adopted
Hobart got a happy ending after he followed the right people that day.

Officers Mercado and Tavera of the LAPD Hollywood division got a big surprise in a tiny package while out on patrol one day in October 2019.

It was just like any other sunny Hollywood day when they unexpectedly crossed paths with a tiny puppy that had been abandoned and seemingly left to fend for himself on the streets.

Screenshot via @LAPDHollywood/Twitter
Screenshot via @LAPDHollywood/Twitter

The two officers came across the pup on Hobart Boulevard and the furry fella clearly knew he’d be safe around them because he began to follow the pair and wouldn’t give up.

Screenshot via @LAPDHollywood/Twitter
Screenshot via @LAPDHollywood/Twitter

Not ones to leave an innocent creature all alone, Mercado and Tavera scooped up the little guy and took him into the station.

They decided to name him “Hobart” after the place they originally found him.

Later, they allayed any fears people had that the pup might be missing and needed to be returned to its owner.

It’s unclear how Hobart ended up on the street that day but it’s likely that the first thing the officers did was to make sure he was, indeed, abandoned and not just lost.

Hobart took a particular liking to Officer Mercado — as did many of the commenters who saw the LAPD’s Twitter post about the sweet gesture.

At first, the LAPD handed the dog over to a shelter to find him a new home, but people really wanted Hobart’s happy ending to be with one of the officers.

Luckily, dreams do come true and it was Officer Mercado that decided to adopt the pup from the Ghetto Rescue Foundation.

The shelter updated everyone on Hobart’s happy new life a few months later, saying he was thriving in his new home.

“Update on Hobart (GRFF name Fidzgit) he’s the most loving and lively puppy. He loves all of his puppy cousins and will chew on his toys for hours. He’s still learning potty training and loves the outdoors/play time in the grass!” reported his dad.

Just look at that happy little face — and those giant ears!

Hobart enjoys spending his days napping and playing, just like any other dog, and he is still clearly grateful to his dad for saving him from the mean streets that day back in October.

While dog-lovers have called for Hobart to get his own social media accounts, it looks like he’ll be living the rest of his life outside of the limelight.

And while many outlets have surmised that Hobart will join the division’s K-9 unit, he’s far too small for that kind of work.

At least we know he’s got a happy life ahead of him and was spared the trauma of living on the streets.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the moment when Hobart first started following the officers.

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