When we think of someone as being “stone-faced” we think of a person who probably isn’t the greatest at showing emotions! While it may be a common expression (and probably a good thing in poker), we never actually think of it as real (unless Medusa had something to do with it).

For one dog in Texas, being turned to stone wasn’t just an expression – it looked like it was happening.

Grinch is a pup who arrived at a shelter in South Texas and he was in terrible shape. He didn’t even look like a living dog – rather, he looked like a carved stone piece. He was hairless and all his skin had gone gray and terribly scabby. As a stray, he had spent most of his life sleeping on the streets and was abused.

When the shelter saw him, they were shocked.

They knew that they were going to need some help in his treatment and called Rescue Dogs Rock NYC to see if they would help.
“He looked so sad and was in such deplorable condition that we obviously stood up and agreed,Not only were we unable to tell what type of dog he was, but clearly he had been suffering for quite some time.” – Randie Semel
The statuesque dog was brought to a local vet and began treatment on his skin condition.

Little Grinch started to receive treatment and began his long journey to health. The first thing the vet did was begin treating his skin condition to get some of his fur back! At the same time, they did their best to address some other underlying issues such as him being underweight.
After a month of treatment, things were looking up for Grinch!

After taking some time to heal, he was finally ready to find a home. He went to the northeast to stay with a foster family while he recovered further. When he arrived, he was doing a ton better but still needed more time to heal fully. His time as a stray still haunted him.
“He was really shy and scared of everyone who was around him,” Semel said. “He sort of backed away from other dogs.”
As time went on, his fur began to grow and his beautiful coat came through!

Nearly five months later and Grinch doesn’t even look like the same dog! He is a shepherd/Malinios mix, something that was nearly impossible to tell before. Like his coat, his attitude started flourishing as well! He was happy and was actually excited to see other people and dogs while playing.

He’s finally with a foster family that hopes to adopt him officially soon.

“The foster family is absolutely in love with him,” Semel said. “He’s a very sweet dog. He loves all people.”
As they work towards adopting him officially, Grinch is living his best life. It’s astounding just how radical a few months of healing and growth can change an animal. From stone dog to model, Grinch surely had his heart grown like his namesake. All it takes is a little love most of the time!

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Check out a video about Grinch below!