Seeing an animal in need usually evokes a feeling of empathy in our hearts. It hurts us to see them hurting like they are. If you feel moved when you see an animal in need of rescue, this story might pull out a few tears out of ya!

While walking through the woods, one woman found a heartbreaking scene.

A small pit bull was curled up at the base of a tree, barely moving. She was quite literally a skeleton. It looked like someone had stretched canvas over a thin frame of a dog. All her bones were poking out at sharp angles.

The woman, Stacey, brought the dog out of the wood to try and find help.

Using some food to get her to the car, they finally got her safe and secure. The dog was clearly confused, never having a human treat her with kindness, she didn’t know how to respond.
After some food, they gave her a name.

Naming her Halo, they took her home and took her to the vet soon after. She needed to go on antibiotics right away as she had an infection all over her. She was nearly blind, too, from injuries and more infection.
Over the course of the recovery, things got dicey a few times.

With newfound love fueling her, however, little Halo pulled through! There were some scary moments but eventually, the tough pup overcame them and moved on. When it came to her eyes, however, the vet didn’t know if she would ever recover full sight.
They didn’t even know if she was fully blind or not.

After a few tests, it came back clear – Halo was blind. All that means, however, was that her owners would get to have a very personal relationship with her! She was incredibly smart and learned how to navigate super fast.
She was as happy as she had even been in her life.

When Stacey brought her in, in September, Halo spent up until January recovering. Then, it was time to find her a forever home. They drove her up to a rescue in Connecticut and everyone fell in love with her.
She was probably around 7-8 years old and they knew that she would do well in almost any home.

One of her favorite things? Getting ice cream from McDonald’s! She loves treats and is very gentle with everyone around her. When she gets a treat, she loves to hide it in the couch for later! Witch such a personality, it wouldn’t be long until she was adopted.
From living out her last moments in the woods to finding out what it means to be loved, Halo is in the golden years of her life now.

You never know what kind of animal you may encounter who needs your help! For Halo, one person made all the difference. With a little medical care and lot of love, she became a healthy dog with a heart WAY too big for all that she had been through. Aren’t dogs amazing?
Check out the video below!
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