Shy rescue baby bear hides from baby fawn during their first meeting
This meet and greet is the sweetest thing we've seen all day.
Cedric Jackson

An oxymoron is when you use two words in a sentence that don’t seem to go together. A perfect example, “shy” and “bear.” Shyness is the last thing people think of when it comes to bears. Instead, they read stories about how these powerful animals can attack and even kill humans, as well as other creatures. But most of the time, they’re just curious.

Can a bear be shy?

Okay, that might seem impossible but first, consider this fellow is still a baby. Second, he was about to meet another animal, one he’d never seen before. So instead of becoming aggressive, he tried his best to hide.

Unsplash/Chris Geirman
Unsplash/Chris Geirman

Rescue organizations

Thanks to organizations like Point View Farm in West Virginia, people get to see cute videos of funny things that animals do. Case in point…this tiny bear who wants to make a new friend in the form of a fawn…well, sort of.

Facebook/Point View Farm
Facebook/Point View Farm

Fantastic work

Not only does this organization save different kinds of wildlife but through their social media presence, they strive to educate the public. One way they do that is by posting videos online. Their goal is to rehabilitate and then return animals to the wild.

Facebook/Point View Farm
Facebook/Point View Farm

First meeting

In one of the videos, which has now garnered more than seven million views, you see a tiny fawn inside of an outbuilding-like structure. The little thing is just standing there. But you’ll notice it’s looking intently at something off to its left.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

A small black-headed animal

As the video continues, an animal’s tiny head pokes out near the bottom of the stairs. Initially, it’s hard to tell what it is. It stays there for several seconds before revealing itself. There it is… a baby black bear.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

A shy streak

Considering these two types of animals, you’d think the bear would be the one to bravely approach the fawn. But no, he’s much too shy. While he’s trying to build up his courage, the fawn stands perfectly still…just watching this silly guy and his antics.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Getting close

Slowly, the black bear inches his way closer to the fawn. Soon, they’re only about a foot apart. But as the fawn leans in for a closer inspection, the bear backs away. The funniest part? He retreats toward the stairs where he stands on his hind legs. Oh, he’s so scary.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Let’s try again

Since the fawn hasn’t moved an inch, the shy bear wants to give this meet and greet another try. So, he makes his way back toward the other animal. But once he’s roughly two feet away, he has a change of mind. This poor little guy.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Scrambling for safety

The bear just doesn’t have it in him. You can see that he desperately wants to meet the fawn but he’s struggling. For whatever reason, the bear feels its much safer by the foot of the stairs. So, that’s where he stays.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Perhaps another time

It would be interesting to see how this type of encounter would play out in the real world. But for most of us, we’ll never know. So, we have to depend on amazing videos like this one although it’s in a completely different environment.

YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos
YouTube Screenshot/RM Videos

Perhaps he just wasn’t ready. Throughout the video, the staff at the rescue center narrates. If you need a good laugh, this is an excellent video to watch. Simply click on it below to enjoy it. This is what you call cuteness overload.

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Source: YouTube, Facebook
