Shelter dog refused to make eye contact with anyone makes the most beautiful transformation
It's hard to believe this is the same dog now! 🥹
Caryl Jane Espiritu

It is sad, but there are still lots of animals roaming the streets with no proper shelter or family to look after them. These stray pets need love and care, and it is heartbreaking to know that some people are not even guilty of abandoning these innocent animals.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

One of the dogs found on the street is Clementine.

The poor dog was found as she was roaming the streets of Southern California. Animal rescuers took her in and placed her in a shelter so she could be given the care and attention she needed to regain her health.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

When rescuers found Clementine, she had about five infections in her and she only weighed 45 pounds. She was skinny and in very bad shape.

Dogs are usually fighting when they get picked up from the streets, but Clementine was an unusual case.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

The abandoned dog did not want to look at anybody. She was always by herself and hid her head as much as she could. She was afraid, shy, and very weak.

At the shelter, Clementine was assessed and doctors found her condition to be very dire. She was scheduled to be put down because she had so many health problems.

Clementine was going to be put down, but someone saw her photo and took her story to heart.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

A woman named Chelsea Elizabeth Cossairt came across the dog’s picture online and was moved by the sight of the dog. She did not waste any time and sent her application to the shelter. She soon got a call about it and was informed that she can bring Clementine home.

“The person at Ginger’s Pet Rescue was floored and in tears that we were interested in her,” she shared in an interview with The Dodo. “She told us that of the hundreds of applications they’d received for dogs in the previous few weeks, not one had been for Clementine.”

Before Chelsea got Clementine from the shelter, she was clearly informed that taking the dog in will be a challenge. Clementine had a lot of health issues and her way to full recovery is a long one.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

Chelsea was well aware of what she was signing up for and proceeded with taking Clementine home.

She knew that taking care of the dog would not be easy, but she was determined to save her and give her a beautiful life. When she brought the dog to her home, the change gave Clementine a hard time adjusting.

“Clementine was absolutely terrified of people and wouldn’t look anyone in the eyes,” she said. “She shook all the time, hid behind furniture and sat facing the wall for months.”

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

Clementine’s shyness and fear of being next to them did not make their goal of helping her easier. It was another challenge for them because the dog was always afraid and not comfortable interacting with her new family.

The dog always had a look of emptiness in her eyes.

She always bowed her head whenever people tried to approach her. She never looked people in the eye and always looked defeated.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

Chelsea did not give up on her. She may have a hard time getting Clementine to feel comfortable around her, but her two dogs were easily acquainted with the new dog in the house.

Moose and Maple made friends with their new sibling and all three of them played together.

The newfound friends gradually made Clementine open up. There were various visits to the vet and months of fighting allergies and infections, but the dog is getting better each day.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

Eventually, she learned to look her owners in the eye and she also started gaining courage and strength.

“She loves to look deeply into our eyes while we pet her, and she’s very attentive when we’re talking to her,” Chelsea said. “She’s still wary of new people and sometimes even gets spooked by us if we move too quickly or come up behind her, but she’s come so far.”

From a weak and sickly dog, Clementine bloomed into a fun-loving and playful doggo who now has a family she belongs to. It is amazing how genuine kindness, love, and care can change someone.

YouTube - The Dodo
YouTube - The Dodo

Clementine was lost and alone, but she found her family in Chelsea. This was the most amazing gift that helped her become stronger and braver.

Know more about this touching story by watching the video below.

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