Owner makes last stop at animal shelter with 14-yr-old dog before driving away without looking back
The look on Sophia's face as her owner drove away was heartbreaking.
Jaclyn Abergas

In all of her 26 years of animal rescue, she has never seen anyone with so little emotion.

In late June 2023, a 14-year-old senior dog named Sophia was dropped off at the Friends Forever Animal Rescue shelter in Pennellville, New York.

“The owner told us that she had been driving around to different shelters looking for someone to take the dog, and we were her last stop,” Casey Newton, the shelter’s founder, explained.

Facebook - Friends Forever Animals Rescue
Facebook - Friends Forever Animals Rescue

Casey’s heart broke at the sight of the dog’s face when her owner drove off and left her.

For 14 years, Sophia had been with her owner and now, she is in the care of people she doesn’t know.

She wanted to go back to her family.

Her owner said that they had to give her up because they were moving.

What broke Casey’s heart, even more, was the lack of emotion displayed by the owner as they dropped off Sophia at the shelter.

How could anyone be so heartless, especially about a dog they have lived with for so long?

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

Casey didn’t have time to speculate.

She needed to focus on Sophia. Sophia is confused about her situation.

She must probably be thinking she did something bad for her owner to have just left her like that.

Casey wanted to tell her that no, she didn’t do anything wrong.

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

There was nothing wrong with her.

All Casey could do was show her that Sophia wasn’t going to be alone.

She is going to be surrounded by so many humans and dogs who want to love her.

“I try not to judge people,” Casey shared. “My job is to help animals. But this just hit me so hard.”

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

Because there were no available foster families, Casey took Sophia home with her.

What they need to do now is to make sure that Sophia is healthy and doesn’t have any dire medical conditions.

When the doctors give her a clean bill of health, that is when the shelter will consider adopting her out.

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

Casey will make sure that Sophia feels loved and comforted at the same time.

It’s hard enough for animals to live in shelters.

It’s even harder to live in shelters after living in their supposed forever homes with their supposed forever family for so long.

Friends Forever Animal Rescue Facebook followers were outraged at what happened.

“How does someone give her up?!!! She obviously deserved a better life filled with love and care. Poor poor Sophie!! Thank you Casey for taking her in! So sad!” Erenee Sorial said.

“My heart just can’t take it. This beautiful girl just looks like she’s emotionally tired. I pray that she finds the most loving family and lives the most comfortable life,” Darla Halstead added.

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

There are some who are hopeful for Sophia.

“I feel that sweet Sophia will finally learn what it feels like to be loved. If she was loved before, she wouldn’t be in this situation,” Kelly Austin Reilley shared.

Fortunately for Sophia, a veterinarian learned of her story and decided to adopt her.

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

This happened a few days after Sophia arrived at the shelter.

“It was love at first sight when he and his wife met her,” Casey shared. “She now has 800 acres and furry siblings to share her life with.”

While there are people who can leave their furbabies behind, there are people who can’t wait to take them home forever.

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YouTube Screenshot - CNY Central

Learn more about Sophia’s story in the video below.

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