Senior Dog Was Left On Property With A Note
“Please take care of my dog. I love her so much.”
D.G. Sciortino

Most of the time we hear stories about dogs being abandoned by their owners without a second thought. But sometimes dog owner love their pets more than anything and still have no choice but to give them up.

Or at least that’s what they feel.

They feel that their last resort is to give them up so that someone else could give them the life that they deserve. That’s basically what happened to a 13-year-old dachshund mix named Reese.


Royal Animal Refuge
Royal Animal Refuge

Reese’s owner just abandoned her on a stranger’s property in the hopes that someone would care for her and give her a better life.


She was abandoned with a note a handwritten note.

“To You:

My name is Reese. I am 13-years-old and I do not like little kids. I love to chill. I hope whoever gets this [will] please take care of my dog,” the note said. “I love her so much, but I don’t have time for her. She likes soft food and she likes real food but I don’t give it to her cuz she throws up. She love all you rtime and I love I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I have four kids and no time for her,” her owner wrote in the note that was signed, “Thanks, her mommy.”

Royal Animal Refuge
Royal Animal Refuge

The dog was left on a woman’s property and lucky for Reese, that woman took the senior dog into her home.

that woman wasn’t able to keep Reese herself, she did go through the effort, unlike her original owner, to make sure that Reese found a forever home.

The women reached out to a private Facebook group to find Reese a home and someone ended up tagging Royal Animal Refuge, a local animal rescue shelter, in the post.

Royal Animal Refuge
Royal Animal Refuge

“When we heard about it, obviously we were upset,” Mariel Weigand, shelter director for Royal Animal Refuge, told The Dodo. “But at the same time, we thought, ‘Maybe they just didn’t know what to do or who to turn to.’”

Unlike some rescues, Royal Animal Refuge didn’t pass judgment, they just wanted to find Reese a loving home.

Royal Animal Refuge
Royal Animal Refuge

One of Royal Animal Refuge’s veteran foster parents, Robyn Klein, agreed to take Reese until they could find her a permanent home.

But when Klein’s mother, Suzy Reeves, spotted Reese, she felt there was something special about the dog.


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