Scrumpy Dog Makes Stunning Recovery
What kind of monster would do such a thing to a dog?
Sophia Perez

This is Scrumpy. When Scrumpy showed up at the local vet, she was in bad shape. It was clear she had been brutally abused by her previous owner.

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

The professionals at the veterinary clinic were told that someone had tied Scrumpy to the back of a car and dragged her around for miles. She was seriously wounded and her fur was matted with dirt and oil.

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

The pads of her feet were torn up by the asphalt, leaving nothing but raw flesh. Some of her claws had been entirely ripped out. All of her paws needed to be treated and bandaged.

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

Her face had also injured from being dragged through the streets. When the vets found her, her lips were cut open and she was bleeding badly.

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

But, when Scrumpy finally arrived at the vet, her luck turned around. One of the veterinary nurses fell in love with her and decided to take her home. She showered Scrumpy with love and affection, cleaning her up and carefully tending to her wounds. The nurse’s boyfriend at the time decided to name her “Scrumpy” because she’s “scruffy and stumpy.” Before they knew it, Scrumpy didn’t need her bandages anymore.

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

The couple has since gotten married, and they bring Scrumpy with them wherever they go. She’s made a full recovery, and her troubled past is far behind her. In fact, she’s even getting to be a bit of an old-timer (note the white hairs growing in around her eyes).

Chillipapa via Imgur
Chillipapa via Imgur

Over the past five years, Scrumpy and her owners have all grown very close. And while Scrumpy’s owners don’t know where Scrumpy came from, what breed she is, or how many years she has under her belt, they know one thing for certain: she’s part of the family.

While Scrumpy’s story has a happy ending, many abused dogs still need help. On average, there are about 6,000 reported incidents of animal abuse against dogs every year. Abuse can range from neglect to physical violence. If you see someone abusing an animal, report it right away. That way woofers like Scrumpy can find their way out of danger and into the arms of the loving families they deserve.

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