Arachnophobia is one of the most common fears out there. Many people get a bit nervous when there’s a spider in their house, especially since they don’t look like the cuddliest creatures. But spiders really are misunderstood—all they want is to eat insects and live in peace. This is true for most spiders, even the biggest ones.
The animal rescue organization Barnyard Betty’s Rescue proved that even the most fearsome-looking spiders can be harmless when they took in a giant Huntsman Spider.

This spider lives in the land of giant animals: Australia. This particular spider is bigger than most—typically, Huntsman Spiders are normally about five inches across. This spider, who Barnyard Betty’s Rescue named Charlotte, is definitely a little bigger than five inches!
On their Facebook page, Barnyard Betty’s Rescue shared the story of how they rescued Charlotte:
“Beautiful Charlotte the spider, one of my best rescues yet. To answer some of your questions:
She is a Huntsman Spider and we are located in Queensland Australia and yes she is very real and very large and not photoshopped!!
I released her here on the farm after rescuing her so I can’t get any more photos or video her, I’m sorry.
She was a beautiful, calm spider, not aggressive in any way, and like most spiders she just wanted to go about her business eating bugs and living in peace. She didn’t or doesn’t need to be killed! Poor spiders are so misunderstood!
All creatures great and small are welcome here at Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, a safe haven no matter how you look!!”

Charlotte is now living a great life at Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, weaving webs and catching all the insects she wants. She’s one of the many happy animals who live at Barnyard Betty’s Rescue. This rescue group takes in mistreated or unwanted farm animals and gives them a second chance at life. This includes many sheep, cows, chickens, and goat. At this sanctuary, all of these animals are able to live carefree, happy lives.

Barnyard Betty’s Rescue has proved that every animal is worth saving, even those that look a bit scary. If you’d like to help Barnyard Betty’s Rescue save more four-legged and eight-legged animals, consider donating to their organization.
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