Stray Kitten Won't Stop Cuddling Adopted Rescuer
"I've felt alone my whole life... Not anymore." <3
Britanie Leclair

Rose is a woman who always wanted to rescue a cat. Because she was given up at birth, she spent most of her life feeling unloved. She resonated with small, homeless kittens who had no mother to care for them.

One day, Rose and her husband pulled into a gas station. “We both had this weird feeling there would be a cat needing help there,” she said. And in the end, the couple was right.

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When Rose and her husband pulled into the gas station, they were stunned to see a tiny, homeless kitten laying in a pile of cigarette butts and broken glass. The poor baby had been resting in chemicals and gas, and her skin was badly burned from the contact. This was the kitten Rose had been waiting her life to rescue. She immediately scooped him up and brought home. The couple named him Andy.

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“The first two nights, I didn’t sleep,” she said. “I stayed awake laying on the floor with my arms in his cat bed so he could hug me.”

“More than anything he needed to feel safe and loved. So I stayed on the floor with him until he was able to move a little more.”


Andy’s fur fell out from the chemical burns he had suffered, but with a few weeks of tender loving care, the kitten was looking as good as new!

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And since being saved by his loving Mama Rose, he just cannot stop hugging her in thanks! “The night I rescued him, he began his hugging,” she said.

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Rose ultimately nursed Andy back to health, and the little guy grew into a stunningly beautiful cat. Nowadays, he spends most of his time cuddling with his pug sister and giving her loads of belly rubs and love.

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And even though he’s big and strong, he still can’t go a night without sleeping with Rose. “He REFUSES to sleep without my arms in his arms,” she explained. “All night, every night.”

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As mentioned, Rose was given up at birth. In a surprise twist of events, Andy was recovered only 5 miles from where she was born. “We were both orphans, so I think he’s my soul mate. Now I can’t sleep without HIM.”

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“I’ve felt alone my whole life. Not anymore.”

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