Rescues Refused To Save Dead-Looking Dog
A group of teens came across the dog in their neighborhood, but every rescue they called refused to help him without money.
Catherine Marucci

Several kids were playing ball outside when they spotted a neglected dog staying in an abandoned spot in their neighborhood. He was in the dirt cowering behind a pile of old televisions.

The kids wanted to get the dog some help so they called around looking for a rescue organization or shelter willing to take the dog in before it became too late to save him, but they weren’t having any luck.

All the rescues they called was either full, said they would end up euthanizing the dog, or they were unwilling to take in the small dog without a large cash donation.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

Looking for Help

No organization in the area was willing to help this dirty and abandoned animal. The kids were beginning to lose hope and the dog’s future was looking grim.

Finally, Hope for Paws received a text from the children. They responded immediately and two of the volunteers hopped into a car and were on their way to the neighborhood to find the dog that looked so near death.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

When the rescuers first approached, the dog panicked and began to cry. It was obvious that he was not entirely comfortable around people and was expecting abuse. They showed him nothing but kindness and eventually he relaxed when he realized they were not trying to hurt him.

He responded to their petting and looked so appreciative of the attention as if he hadn’t received any real love in a long time.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

Finding the Dog Beneath the Dirt

The rescuers brought the little dog away with them to get him a bath. They promised the kids that they would keep them updated. They also promised the worried children that they would not be euthanizing the animal.


In the video posted by Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel via YouTube they said:

“We don’t do that.”

They named him Nobu on the drive to the vet as he sat in one of the rescuer’s laps in the front seat. He was already settling in.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

At the hospital, they spent hours removing hundreds of ticks from the dog’s matted fur. He sat there patiently as the vets did their work. They trimmed his nails and his fur, got the rest of the ticks off of him, and finally it was time for a bath.

He was starting to look like a real dog again, instead of a pile of matted fur.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

In fact, beneath all that dirt and fur, was a clean, lively, and friendly miniature poodle who was just waiting to be discovered.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

A Second Chance

He was also starting to be in a much better mood after a good rest. He gave his rescuers lots of licks and affection.

His tail wouldn’t stop wagging.

He was a completely different dog after just a couple of days. He was even making friends with the other rescue dogs.

The only thing left to do was to find him a home.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube
Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel via YouTube

The organization, Smooch Pooch, helped with that and soon he had a new adoptive family with plenty of love and other dogs to play with.

None of this could have been possible without the wonderful people at Hope for Paws who were willing to take the time and effort to save a dog no one else was willing to take in and save.

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