A farm in Spain was suddenly abandoned by its owner and left helpless farm animals behind.
Thankfully, the abandoned farm was situated in a village not so distant from the Fundacion Santuario Gaia’s sanctuary.
Upon hearing the news, the sanctuary’s rescuers wasted no second and drove to the said farm. To their surprise, the farm turned out to be filled with all sorts of trash. The land was totally in no shape to cater to the animals left behind by the owner.
There was no food or water, and one could only imagine the helpless condition of the starving animals there after their owner left them.
A glimpse of hope.
Searching through the farm, the rescuers found a goose, two sheep, two goats, and a cow. Among the rescued farm animals, the cow needed help badly and immediately. He’s Stefano, a calf who was in terrible shape and couldn’t even stand up.
They rescued and took Stefano with them along with the other six animals. The mission was to really take them out of their misery on that abandoned farm.
All animals were in need of help but the baby cow desperately needed immediate attention.
Stefano was only a few months old and he had a serious problem in one of his front limbs that hindered him from being mobile.
He had an injury on his tendons and his three remaining legs couldn’t fully support his weight that’s why he had some difficulties standing and walking.
His rescuers put his limb in a cast.
According to the sanctuary’s rescuers, the rescued calf was very shy when it first came to their facility. He looked so scared and decided not to fully trust the people around him.
Little by little, they tried stretching Stefano’s joints to help his tendon be relaxed so he could walk properly once again.
With the undying support of his rescuers alongside continued medication, the baby cow’s limb was completely fixed in no time.
Eventually, Stefano started to interact with other animals and the people around him. Turns out, he was one loving baby cow and he showed nothing but gratitude to his rescuers.
He would hang out with one of them and show his love by licking and smoothing him non-stop.
“He’s like a huge stuffed animal that you just want to hug,” said one of Stefano’s rescuers.
He even made a friend with another cow, Valentin.
His new-found cow friend was the real key to trusting everyone around him. When Stefano and his friend first met, it was like finding each other’s missing piece.
They immediately made a connection and started doing things together like eating.
“It is super beautiful because he is very tender, he is very tender, I don’t know, he transmits it,” said the rescuer who became Stefano’s friend. “I have a very very nice bond with him.”
It looks like a positive aura is radiating from Stefano because he can get along with both humans and animals. He was rescued and was given another shot in life, an opportunity that he would never put to waste.
Now, he is giving people, especially his rescuers nothing but love and appreciation.
Watch the video below to learn more about this beautiful story.
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