Woman saves injured baby fox from farmers, not knowing it’d become part of her tribe
She has to regularly remind herself that Sunny is a wild animal since he acts so much like a pet.
Luis Gaskell

This fox almost didn’t make it. Now, it’s got a roof over its head and a family that loves him. This is the story of Sunny the rescued fox.

It began when Sunny the fox was alone and dying in a hole.

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Facebook video Screenshot - Cuddle Buddies

He had wounds on his neck and would have been a goner if not for the woman who saved him.

But how did Sunny end up alone in that hole?

Shouldn’t foxholes have more foxes in them?

Well, this one used to. Sunny had a family who would have usually been there for him.

Though tragically, the local farmers got their hands on his family. These farmers look at foxes and see them as pests. So in a rather extreme effort to protect their crops, they culled Sunny’s family.

Sunny’s mom, Ksenia, rescued him and took him to a local vet.

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Facebook video Screenshot - Cuddle Buddies

She didn’t think his chances were good. The little fox was in pretty bad shape and even had a limp to show for it.

She was apprehensive about going through all this for a little fox. She feared that she’d get too attached to him.

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But that seemed inevitable. If she was saving his life, that was bound to happen. So Sunny became part of her household and got to meet her other pets.

She had a puppy and some cats to keep the fox company.

Sunny got along well with the cats, but it was Sunny’s bond with her dog, Nick, that stood out to her.

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Facebook video Screenshot - Cuddle Buddies

Sunny and Nick enjoyed each other’s company tremendously. They were on two different places on the canine family tree but hit it off like they were siblings.

They played with each other regularly and often sit in the same hang-out spots in their mom’s home.

Even their own mom says they’re inseparable.

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The fox and the dog are such good friends that they can play rough and not lose their cool. That’s how you know they’re best friends.

Being both canids, Sunny and Nick both find joy in digging.

Of course, being naturally evolved to hide in holes, Sunny is quite a bit more proficient at it. It’s no surprise. Dogs often dig for fun while foxes dig to survive.

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Ksenia must regularly remind herself that Sunny is a wild animal since he acts like a pet.

The fox grew so homely with her that he lets her rub his belly like it was no big deal.

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Facebook video Screenshot - Cuddle Buddies

It matters very little. Sunny couldn’t be re-released into the wild anyway.

His legs never fully healed from his injuries as a cub, so living with Ksenia is his best bet for good quality of life.

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Facebook video Screenshot - Cuddle Buddies

And he seems to be improving Ksenia’s quality of life in return.

His legs don’t seem to bother him much anymore.

Sunny is content to play with Nick, roll around in Ksenia’s bed, and sleep nose-to-nose with his dog best friend for the rest of his days.

Watch Sunny’s story in the video below!

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