Rescue baby skunk melts hearts with adorable way he tries to ‘act tough’
He's trying so hard to be a tough guy.
Jenny Brown

MoonShine Wildlife Rehab isn’t your average animal rescue center.

They specialize in nurturing sick, injured, or abandoned wildlife, preparing them for a triumphant return to the wild.

Their care extends to a variety of animals, including squirrels, porcupines, foxes, owls, raccoons, and even skunks.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Among their heartwarming stories is that of a tiny, clever baby skunk.

When this little “kit” arrived at MoonShine, it was already five months old.

But, surprisingly, it looked anything but its age – scrawny, with sparse hair and balance issues, it was a mystery how this kit was already five months old.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Christine, from MoonShine Wildlife Rehab, was puzzled by the skunk’s small size. However, the issue soon resolved itself.

Once the skunk discovered the joys of eating, it didn’t take long for him to start growing and become a voracious eater.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

The kit was a natural explorer. Although he was kept in a cage for his safety, he made the most of his time outside, wandering everywhere his little legs could carry him.

His adventures gained him a fanbase, especially when he started doing something utterly adorable with his legs – he had the “stomps”!

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

This baby skunk had a unique way of walking – he stomped with his hands!

At first, these were just little hand stomps, but soon, he began to pound the ground deliberately with his tiny hands.

Whether accidental or intentional, it was incredibly cute.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

His stomping didn’t stop there. He progressed to performing handstands, followed by landing on his feet with a stomp.

Although he didn’t have siblings, he lived with other kits, and they all joined in on the stomping fun.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Christine, the skunk’s caregiver, was his favorite audience. Every time she visited, he would proudly show off his new skill. He’d turn around, lift his tail, and stomp away.

Christine wasn’t concerned about being sprayed, as skunks of his age don’t have fully developed sprayers.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

As time passed, the skunk’s fur and instincts began to develop.

He was gaining weight and inching closer to being a healthy, wild skunk. Christine took him outside for more exploration, waiting for him to reach the optimal weight of 6 lbs before releasing him into the wild.

His natural instincts kicked in immediately, as he didn’t even need to be taught how to hunt for worms.

YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo
YouTube Screenshot - The Dodo

Finally, after a few months, this adorable stomping skunk, along with two others, was released back into the wild.

Witness this energetic little skunk kit and his stomping antics in the video below!

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