Having the chance to have wild or exotic animals as pets could be exciting.
However, as responsible pet owners, we must ensure we’re ready for them.
It’s not enough to have love, time, and the budget to take care of them.

You also need to be knowledgeable about their species, the proper care routine, and what they need to thrive and have the best life.
Two years ago, Sarah Thompson was given the chance to be a furmom of two adorable prairie dogs, and she wholeheartedly accepted the offer.
Sarah knew that the two prairie dogs wouldn’t survive in the wild, so she started by finding a vet.

Then she did her research on how to take care of them properly.
On May 25, 2021, Sarah first posted her first TikTok video with one of the prairie dogs.
That’s right! She adopted two adorable prairie dogs and named them Pablo and Pedro.

Like other pets, Sarah slowly learned so much by caring for them.
She found out that Pedro and Pablo, both babies back then, nibbled a lot.
Sarah also had to feed them constantly.

Prairie dogs are not actually dogs. They are small, stout-bodied rodents that belong to the squirrel family.
They are very social animals and live in a complex underground burrow called colonies or towns.
We also know prairie dogs for their specific warning calls that we call a “bark” or a “chirp.”

Sarah refers to them as “yahoos” since the sound that Pablo and Pedro make resembles a tiny ‘yahoo.’
She also discovered that putting their cage in the middle of the house helps them.
Prairie dogs are really social animals, so by doing so, Pedro and Pablo could hear and see the family.

They also love roaming around the house when they have time.
Since it’s their nature to burrow, the duo would constantly burrow in Sarah’s laundry baskets.
Most of the time, Sarah and her family would uncover the duo sleeping underneath the pile of clothes.

She also shared that Pablo loves to follow her around and has taken the duty of preventing Sarah from doing anything.
That is why the family calls them “productivity suckers.”
We can’t argue with that since they are so cute, chunky, and sweet!

Who would have thought that prairie dogs could be so sweet and cuddly?
Sarah describes them as the most affectionate animals she has ever seen.
You’re wrong if you think Pedro and Pablo would feel content just sleeping next to Sarah.

Cuddling wouldn’t be enough for these two sweet prairie dogs.
They want you to pet them and give them all your love and affection.
Sarah even shares that when you stop petting them, they would look at you and question you, “Mom! Why did you stop?”

Of course, Sarah said that living at home wouldn’t be enough for prairie dogs.
They need plenty of exercise, good food, fresh air, and the chance to play outdoors too.
She reminds everyone that even if prairie dogs are cuddly, fluffy, sweet, and smart, they are not for everyone.

It takes a lot of patience, knowledge, and practice to be effective fur parents to these lovable animals.
Click the video below to hear their adorable ‘yahoos!’ for yourself.
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