Road Closed Down For Police To Save Eagle
Police were called in to help when motorists couldn’t shoo it away to safety.
Kathleen Shipman

Police officers and firefighters go out of their way every day to help save lives. But it’s not just because it’s in their job descriptions – oftentimes it’s because they have really big hearts too.

One interesting rescue story that made headlines comes from Clearwater, Florida. It all started when their police and fire departments learned there was an injured victim in the road.

By no surprise, both groups jumped into action. Yet, what makes this story so unique is that the hit-and-run victim was actually a bald eagle.

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

The rescue event took place on an overcast day. Surely, when the Clearwater first responders got to their stations that morning, it wasn’t the type of phone calls they were expecting to receive.


At a certain point though, information got out that there was a hurt eagle in the middle of Countryside Boulevard. The poor creature had been struck by a vehicle after it seemingly was trying to eat roadkill in the lanes.

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

Not everyone has seen our nation’s bird in real life. For this reason, it may sound a little shocking that one would just be on a city street in Florida.


But according to the American Eagle Foundation, Minnesota and Florida have the largest populations of nesting bald eagles out of the lower 48 states. Our most northern state, Alaska, has the highest number of bald eagles within its borders (approximately 30,000).

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

Those out in the community that day had the chance to witness the police and firefighters using their big hearts.

In order to keep the eagle safe, they first closed off two lanes of traffic so the creature wouldn’t get hit again. Next, they joined forces with a specialist from Owl’s Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife rescue group to try and corral it.

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

After they were finally able to get the eagle in a crate, they quickly rushed her off so she could be treated for her injuries.

Inside Edition reported that vets discovered the eagle’s wing had a chipped bone, which she was given surgery for.

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

Thanks to all the kind individuals in Clearwater, the majestic bird was saved from her demise.


She was taken in by Owl’s Nest Sanctuary, who reported on Facebook that she was healing well. They also revealed that they’d let the eagle free once she was fully recovered.

Fortunately, someone snapped photos of the unusual rescue every step of the way. The Clearwater Police Department then shared them on Facebook for the world to see.

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

A number of people who saw their post decided to leave warm comments for the rescuers.


One person wrote:

“Thank you for helping him. Poor beauty, must have been so frightening for him. Your concern and care are heartwarming, and appreciated”

A resident who witnessed the incident take place commented:

“This is my neighborhood and I was able to watch the response… highly impressed with how everyone came together to help out. Thank you to everyone involved!!!”

Facebook/Clearwater Police Department
Facebook/Clearwater Police Department

On the cops’ Facebook page, one woman shared that she actually saw the poor eagle be hit! She said:

“I witnessed the accident. Beyond ecstatic he’s okay. He swooped in front of a box truck that tried to avoid hitting it but was going to hit me and it tumbled under the truck.”

The amazing story was even featured on Inside Edition, and you can watch their video for yourself below! Aren’t cops and firefighters the best?

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