Taking care of a pet means being patient and offering plenty of TLC. While most of your time might be spent cuddling, playing fetch and playing games, there always comes the day that pets and pet owners alike dread: bath day. The silver lining, however, is that trying to get your furry friend clean usually results in some pretty hilarious pictures. On that note, here are 10 pets who really didn’t want to doused with water.
This one is all about the eyes. It’s hard to determine exactly what’s being relayed here, but it’s likely something along the lines of how could you betray me, mom.
Cats, in particular, are known to adamantly resist being bathed but there’s something special about this one. The contempt is coming through loud and clear.
A lot of these pictures depict the actual primal scene of bath time but not a lot of them spend any time on the aftermath and the canine PTSD that follows. If this picture is any indication, this little guy isn’t going to forget about this day for a long, long time.
This one is truly something special—I mean come on, how often do you get a before and after comparison of pet-related bath time trauma? We never knew droopy ears could be this expressive.
Each pet deals differently with difficult circumstances. Rather than actually emotionally process what’s happening, this little guy seems to have dissociated completely. Hang in there, buddy.
Here’s another rare take: this one seems to be taken just moments before the actual bath happening. Just look at how much terror is contained in that one furrowed brow on the right.
This one is a little harder to parse. The bath is over but the feelings remain—and they are certainly complex. What feeling is this, exactly? Shame? Regret? Disappointment? We’ll let you be the judge.
Sure, there are plenty of pictures of cats and dogs hating their baths—but how often do you come across a picture of a hamster who looks this shell-shocked?
Of all of the pictures so far, this kitty seems to have put up the most resistance to bath time. Rather than give in, he’s clinging to what appears to be a mop handle and trying to reason with his owner through his eyes.
Finally, this little guy doesn’t necessarily hate the water… but he definitely doesn’t trust it. All jokes aside, it would be great if we could let our furry friends know that baths are important and we make them take them only because we love them. We’re still waiting on Silicon Valley to develop pet translation technology so all of these misunderstandings can be avoided in the future.
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