Are you considered a home security system? You may want to consider a squirrel.
Yes, a squirrel.
Apparently, they are good at chasing off burglars. At least Adam Pearl’s squirrel Joey is.

Pearl had raised Joey for about 10 months in his home after finding the newborn squirrel abandoned. It appeared he had fallen out of his nest.
“His eyes weren’t even open,” Pearl told Associated Press. “He was about the size of a Bic lighter when we first got him.”

Convinced that the squirrel would die if they didn’t take care of him, they took Joey in.
They bought squirrel supplies and set an alarm for every two hours to remind them to feed Joey.
It wasn’t long before Joey was running around the house, using the litterbox and scavenging nuts from a bowl.

“His temperament is kind of like a cat,” Pearl said. “When he wants attention, he’ll run up to you and climb up your leg.”
A burglar ended up breaking into Pearl’s home in an attempt to break into the home’s gun safe. That’s when Joey attacked him causing the burglar to run off.
“He wasn’t expecting to have, you know, a squirrel come flying out of nowhere at him,” Meridian, Idaho Police Officer Ashley Turner told ABC 11. “So basically he said he took what he could and left as fast as he could.”

The burglar grabbed a few things before running off.
Pearl said he noticed footprints in the snow going into the backyard when he came home, which was unusual since no one really uses that entrance.
He soon found out that someone broke into his home after finding open doors and scratches to his gun safe inside.

The police ended up tracking down a suspect who had scratches on his hands.
The police asked if he got that from the squirrel and the thief said that he did.
Not only that, he said Joey kept attacking him and wouldn’t stop until he left.

Police also allegedly found some stolen items from Pearl’s home on the suspect.
“No one can believe it because who can say they have a squirrel that guards their house, which is crazy,” Pearl told Idaho News 6. “I can’t ask for more than that. He’s a pain in the butt, but he’s great.”

After his encounter with the burglar, Joey started becoming more rambunctious.
Pearl wanted to make sure Joey was able to heed the call of nature if it suited him, so he would leave the door open so that Joey could go play outside.
For a while, Joey would go in and out of the house. Until one day he climbed on Pearl’s shoulder and stayed there for a while before leaving to play in an apple tree.

“I think that was his goodbye, looking back on it,” Pearl said.
Joey hasn’t been back since.
“If I had to guess, he found a girlfriend and they’re off doing their squirrel thing,” Pearl said.
Learn more about Joey’s amazing crime-fighting adventure in the video below.
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