Peafowls are best known for their magnificent “plumage”, or bird feathers. You have likely seen the style mimicked in fashion accessories such as earrings, necklaces, tops, or even shoes.
But not everyone has the opportunity to see a peacock, which is a male version of a peafowl, cast its plumage from start to finish. But one lucky man was able to witness it, and he caught it perfectly on video for the world to see.
This magical encounter happened to Viva Frei, the man who recorded the video, during a visit to Beacon Hill Children’s Farm.
According to him, “They had animals, but I was infatuated with the peacocks. So much so that I spent a half-an-hour trying to get this shot. My wife, mother-in-law, and kids left me after 20 minutes. But they came back just in time. The money shot. It was glorious.”
And the moment is indeed glorious.
The peacock begins by conducting its piercing call, something the bird is particularly known for.

Then, in a moment that happens in less than ten seconds, the Indian peacock shows off its beautiful iridescent blue and green plumage in its full span.

Viva properly articulates the magnificence of the shot as he says in the video, “Wow, I just captured that, and… anyone who didn’t capture that is ten seconds too late. Wow! That was amazing.”
Considering he waited over 20 minutes for the glamorous sight, I’d say he deserved it.
For peacocks, their extravagant plumage is particularly prominent in Asiatic species. These species sport an eye-spotted “tail” or “train” of covert feathers, which they display as part of a courtship ritual.
Apparently, this peacock spotted a peahen (a female version of a peafowl), in the hopes of making peachicks (what the peafowl offspring are sometimes called).
For another fun fact, the peacock “tail”, which is scientifically known as a “train”, is made up of highly elongated upper tail coverts rather than tail quill feathers. These feathers are known for being marked with “eyes”, which makes the peacock look more intimidating to any predators that see it.
Pretty amazing, right?
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