Animals, like siblings, often have to live with one another – whether they like it or not.
It’s part of nature, and sometimes, it can be annoying.
In the same way that a brother gets as close as he can to a sister “without touching her” to annoy her, animals can be intentionally annoying too.

In one video, we get to see just how exasperated they can get!

Pets living in the same space often feel like they are in competition.
In their minds, resources like food, water, and even attention, are limited.
That’s the reason that dogs can fight when you don’t properly introduce a new puppy into the home – the old one feels threatened.

One parrot became slightly irked with his doggy brother, and it was captured on camera.

Animals understand basic concepts like food and water, but what about the beauty of silence?
It would take an especially smart creature to enjoy a bit of peace amid a loud home.
Well, look no further because parrots are the geniuses of the animal kingdom!

We see a gray parrot sitting on his perch, clearly frustrated.

His brother, a dog, is barking incessantly.
Over and over, the dog barks and growls.
If you own a dog, you know just how frustrating this can be.
When humans want to deal with a barking dog, they usually shout something like “HEY! Stop!”
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
The parrot decided to try what he had seen his humans do.

The smart little bird starts talking in a human voice.
If you listen carefully, you can hear him talking:
“Hey, stop that! Hey! Stop it!”
He is clearly annoyed with his dog-brothers antics and isn’t having it anymore.

Parrots are natural copy-cats.

Mental Floss did some research into why parrots can easily learn to talk.
Since this little bird in the video is an African Grey parrot, we thought this description fit perfectly:
“Parrots are social animals, which means they want to fit in with the rest of their friends.
In the wild, parrots usually make bird sounds because they are surrounded by other birds.
But around humans, parrots often imitate human words because they see their owners as part of their new family, or “flock.”
They copy human sounds to fit in with their human flock.
But parrots are also really smart. African Grey parrots like Einstein are as smart as a 5-year-old human!
With training, some parrots can learn the meanings of words, the names of their favorite foods, and even count up to eight.”
With the intelligence of a 5-year-old, it’s no wonder this parrot was annoyed by his (comparatively) dumb doggy brother.

He just wanted to sit and enjoy his day without constant barking.
Can we really blame him?
If he keeps on this path, he’ll soon be disciplining the dogs and even taking them for walks!
Click the video below to hear this sassy parrot give a piece of its mind!
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