Scared paralyzed dog found sitting in trash with back legs tied together
Looking at the paralyzed dog struggling to move an inch just greatly breaks your heart. However, what these people did to him changed his whole life for the better.
Johndel Callora

Whenever we are sick, in pain, or perhaps we are feeling weak and vulnerable, we get frustrated with everything around us. Sometimes, it causes us to snap at other people even though they are only trying to lend some help. Animals feel the same way as well; in fact, they even tend to be more aggressive to anyone they see. You would probably understand once you see this sick and lonely pooch who was fortunately rescued by a certain group of people.

The poor pooch was lying on a pile of trash, as he could not move his hind legs.

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One day, Animal Aid United received a report about a stray dog that was located beside a pile of trash. The team immediately responded to the call, and then they drove to the site as fast as they could. Once they reached the place, they saw a heartbreaking sight of an immobilized dog whose front legs were the only ones that were working.

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The dog was struggling to move, especially when his hind legs were tied with some kind of rope. The rescuers had no idea why he was entangled that way; perhaps, the dog was recently thrown and abandoned, or some kids were playing a prank on the poor dog.

The rescuers carried him to their place and tried to see what caused his paralysis.

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The Animal Aid United staff covered him with a blanket, and then gently carried him back to their car. After their drive back home, they immediately had him checked to know the cause of his paralysis. They found no external wounds however, they found something much worse – an injury in his spine. You could see how the dog tries to endure the pain as the team tried stretching his legs. Despite that, the rescuers strongly believed that he could recover.

They named the rescue, Comfy.

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They began his recovery therapy, but they did not expect this to happen.

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Comfy was given food and a soft bed to rest on. However, the day after, when the dog finally got his well-deserved rest, his mood suddenly changed. He would aggressively growl and bark at his rescuers, and the people just can’t do anything about it.

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They could not do the physiotherapy if Comfy continued to drive them away. Still, the rescuers refused to leave him that way, and so they resolved themselves to help the poor dog. They approached Comfy with slow and quiet movements and tried to stroke his fur gently. After seeing that he’s okay with it, they carried on with the therapy.

It took them almost half a month, but their efforts paid off.

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It was hard getting Comfy to walk with all his four legs. The team had to do everything like massaging his legs, and engage him in practice walks while making sure he stays upright. However, everyone was patient and dedicated, especially when Comfy did not show signs of giving up.

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They saw very little improvements day by day and worked hard to continue that pace.

After five whole months, they were finally able to see Comfy walk.

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“All our patience was rewarded,” they wrote.

The once paralyzed and frustrated dog transformed into a very happy and “comfy” pooch thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited’s unyielding efforts. This video is one way of reminding us that kindness changes outcomes. If you want to show your support to them, make sure to visit them on YouTube and their website.

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