Abandoned baby panther raised with rottweiler by human
Life just doesn't get any better than this.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Luna is a cute panther cub, her eyes are expressive, and she is definitely curious. However, this black panther holds a sad story behind her playful personality.

This beautiful cub was born in a zoo in Siberia, but unfortunately, her mother decided to reject her. On her seventh day, her mother refused to feed her, even throwing her out of their nest.


It took some time before the zoo employees noticed her missing from their nest, and since she’s still too small and fragile, she became weaker.

Her chances of survival were not good.

We all know how mothers are protective of their young, right? However, there are circumstances where the mother decides to reject her offspring.

There can be many reasons why a mother would choose to abandon one of her babies, one of the most common reasons according to Science Focus is:

“If food is limited, caring for all the young equally might result in all of them being malnourished, and possibly the mother as well. In this case, natural selection might favour the mother that selectively abandons or culls the weakest or youngest of her children to ensure that she can adequately provide for the rest.”

Thankfully, the zoo was able to contact Victoria, a kind-hearted woman who already has experience in taking care of big cat.


She immediately agreed to take the cub with her. She made sure that she fed the poor cub round-the-clock while giving her vitamins.

Victoria also made sure that the cub felt the warmth and love of a mother.

The zoo management initially wanted to sell the cub after her rehabilitation, but Victoria didn’t allow this to happen. She already fell in love with the beautiful cub, so she decided to take her in for good.

Now, Victoria already has a dog named Venza. At first, she was worried about the two getting along, but all her worries were washed away when they saw each other for the first time.

Now Luna has her own family.

She has her fur mom, Victoria, and her Rottweiler sibling, Venza. This unique family has captured so many hearts that Victoria decided to create a dedicated YouTube channel, Instagram, and even a TikTok account for the panther.

Who would have thought that the cub that was rejected by her mom now has more than 193k followers on her Instagram account.

Not just that, many people have volunteered to donate financial help to Victoria to support the big cat’s expenses. In an update made by Luna’s fur-mom last February, she mentioned that Luna is 9 months old and weighs 20.9kg!


She also addressed the concern about what type of big cat Luna is. Many people were actually confused if she’s a panther, a leopard, a jaguar, or a hybrid of a house cat and a bear.

According to Victoria, Luna is a black leopard.

Luna is gorgeous, and just like any normal house cat, she is playful, curious, and loves to play with Venza.

She may have been rejected by her mother, but she was able to meet Victoria and Venza – her new family that loves her so much!

Watch Luna’s adorable video below, and don’t forget to show your love to this big cat by following her social media accounts.

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