Orphaned baby seal given second chance at life starts showing rescuers her fiery side
Ili Pika may have started out needing help but it didn't end that way.
Sasha Alonzo

In a quaint coastal setting, a young orphaned seal named Ili Pika captures hearts as she navigates her new life under the care of dedicated rescuers.

From the moment she arrived, Ili Pika was visibly scared and longing for her mother, as evidenced by her circling the window and mimicking suckling behavior, a poignant sign of her innate yearning for maternal comfort.

This small, vulnerable creature, with her soft, pleading eyes, immediately tugs at the heartstrings of those who encounter her.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

Ili Pika’s journey began when a call came in from an aquaculture farm worker who discovered her stranded atop an oyster trestle bed.

The heavy machinery around her likely frightened her mother away, leaving Ili Pika alone and vulnerable.

This harsh beginning, set against the backdrop of a cold, industrial setting, starkly contrasts with the warm, nurturing environment she would soon find.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

To comfort her, the caregivers crafted a “wetsuit mom” – a bundle of recycled wetsuits that resembles a mother seal.

Ili Pika was instantly drawn to this makeshift mother, cuddling into it as she slept, a touching testament to her need for warmth and security.

The sight of her snuggled against this surrogate parent is both heartrending and hopeful, illustrating the profound impact of simple acts of kindness.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

The primary goal for the team was clear: nurture Ili Pika back to health and prepare her for a triumphant return to the wild.

This meant helping her gain weight and flourish as a wild seal would, a mission that was both challenging and rewarding.

Every ounce she gained was a victory, a step closer to her natural life in the ocean.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

Surprising her caregivers, Ili Pika was one of the first among her rescued peers to start eating fish.

Initially quiet and reserved, she soon revealed a feisty side that demanded respect from everyone in the facility.

Her transformation from a timid orphan into a spirited, lively seal is a joy to behold.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

This feistiness was most apparent during bath time.

Ili Pika cherished her bathtub sanctuary and would energetically defend it.

When caregivers approached to clean, she would slap the brush away with her flippers, bark, and spit, asserting her space with spirited determination.

These moments, filled with splashes and playful barks, are a delightful spectacle that brings smiles to the faces of her caregivers.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

This behavior, while challenging for her caretakers, was a positive sign.

It indicated that Ili Pika was developing a wild seal’s instinct to fend for herself – a crucial trait that would serve her well in her natural habitat.

Her feisty demeanor is not a nuisance but a sign of her growing strength and independence.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

As Ili Pika’s health improved, she was introduced to other seals in a larger pool, marking a significant milestone in her rehabilitation.

This was akin to a child’s first day at school, as it was the first time she had interacted with other seals since her rescue.

In this new environment, Ili Pika thrived, gaining weight steadily and preparing for her eventual return to the wild.

Observing her swim and interact with her peers, one can sense her burgeoning confidence and readiness for the life that awaits her.

The Dodo - YouTube
The Dodo - YouTube

As the story of Ili Pika unfolds, it becomes a heartwarming tale of resilience and recovery.

From her initial days of longing and vulnerability to the spirited defense of her bathtub and her successful integration with other seals, Ili Pika’s journey is a testament to the power of dedicated care and her own indomitable spirit.

As she nears her target weight of 30 kilos, the open ocean awaits her, promising a future where she can live as nature intended, wild and free.

This is not just the story of one seal; it is a narrative of hope, love, and the remarkable capacity for recovery that resides in all living beings.

Watch Ili Pika grow and be released back in the wild in the video below.

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