This baby monkey was all alone trying to fend for himself until a man decided to foster him in his home. In just a couple of days of nursing the baby monkey, he slowly became fond of his environment and even made friends with a couple of friendly canines.
This baby monkey has an unfortunate story of why he was all alone.

In 2019, a man found a lone baby monkey on the streets of Kampong Chnang in Cambodia. The monkey’s mother was unfortunately caught by hunters, tragically leaving the young monkey behind. The monkey was still dependent on his mother as he is far too young to know how to find food for himself.

Luckily, the man was kind enough to spare some milk and a couple of grapes to the poor, motherless monkey just so he could have something to fill his hungry stomach.
The man felt sorry for the monkey and decided to adopt and foster him.
A couple of weeks have passed and he is starting to adjust to his new life.

The foster parent named the monkey as Min and he was taking care of the baby monkey just like its mother would. He feeds Min milk every day, bathes him whenever he gets too dusty, and even lulls him to sleep while basking on the sun’s comfortable warmth.

It took a little time for the monkey to adjust in his new home and acting parent because clearly, he was still missing his mother.

The monkey found himself some playmates too and they were adorable.

Min stays and sulks on top of a yellow tarpaulin and refused to move whenever his foster parent tries to call to him. He would only get up there to eat some fruits during feeding time but his eyes were always cautious about everything.

However, his mood changes whenever he sees his friendly visitors after his meals. Min’s caretaker owns dogs as well as two adorable puppies and they are the ones who visit Min for some fun playtime.
Min having fun with his canine friends will surely make your heart melt.

He would immediately come down his spot to greet the two adorable puppies playing around near the area. As the two dogs playfully wrestle each other, Min would run to them and join in on the fun. He would try to tag a puppy but watching closely, you would know who his favorite puppy is.

Min would always grab the black puppy and drives the brown pup away whenever he tries to approach them. They had all sorts of fun while playing on top of the dried coffee beans and it is clear how much he loves being around the adorable pups.

Since then, Min was able to live his life happily with his foster parent and of course his puppy friends.

On May 4, 2019, Min was assigned to a Wildlife Protection Organization but he continues to stay with his foster family. The family documents their adventures with Min and uploads them to their YouTube channel called Baby Monkey.

The dogs are all grown up now, but their relationship with Min continues to grow stronger. If you want to see more of their silly yet wholesome adventures, be sure to drop by their channel.
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