Some matches are truly divine. Some just happen to be canine! These nuns had their entire lives changed after an unexpected friend came home one day to stay.
Meet the sisters of Our Lady of Christian Doctrine.

These three ladies are nuns at Our Lady of Christian Doctrine. They are longtime devotees who have been serving for decades. Their congregation is local to New York and was founded in 1910 when settlers came from across the world to America, looking for a new life. They worked closely with the Settlement Houses of the time. Much like the stories of old, these sisters took in a wanderer; it just didn’t happen to be a human one!
The search for a new tenant was inspired by the recent loss of a longtime friend.

Losing a pet is never an easy event. For many, their pets are a part of the family. As the time nears to let go of a friend, the emotional recovery can be tough and traumatic. These nuns were in the middle of experiencing that pain.
With the wound still raw, they began their search for a new housemate.

It was only a week since their doggy friend of 10 years had passed. In an interview with News12, one of the ladies said:
“We’ve had a dog in the home for the past seven or eight years. Our dog just died a week ago and we loved that dog very much.”
Sister Virginia Johnson couldn’t even get through the sentence before she was choking up a bit, remembering their decade-long friend.
These sisters went looking at the animal care center for a “special” kind of dog.

With the wound still so fresh, the sisters had something special on their minds for the next chapter in their pet relationship. In their searching, they were very specific in the type of dog they were looking for.
While some are concerned with the breed and cuteness of a puppy, the nuns were looking for something a little more intentional.

Sister Veronica Mendez explained their choosing process for their new friend. She said:
“I purposefully wanted a dog that nobody else wanted. I wanted to bring a dog home who might get euthanized if we didn’t take her.”
Showing the absolute purity of heart these women had, they wanted to rescue a dog who was on the last leg of its journey. Then, they met Remy.
Remy is a nine-year-old rescue who met his saviors.

Once the sister saw that Remy had a sign above his head that read “9 years old,” they knew it was a match made in heaven. The senior sisters wanted a senior dog that they knew nobody else would want. After sitting at the shelter for months, Remy got to go home with a new family that loved him more than he could imagine.
It seems that these nuns’ prayers were answered with a four-legged friend.

I am sure that the hearts of these gentle women were able to grieve their old dog while still experiencing the comfort of their new one. Even in their recent hurt from their last friend passing, they still wanted to adopt another senior.
These women live up to their occupation.

These wonderful women are truly living up to the duty of loving well. It takes a big heart to adopt a senior dog on purpose, knowing you will have less time with him these women are a great example of compassion. You can even see this in their founding statement:

Check out the heartwarming video below!

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