Proud gorilla mom and new mom share tender moment together with their babies through glass
This is beautiful! 💗
Cedric Jackson

There is no greater joy in life than becoming a new mom. After months of being pregnant, you finally get to see and hold a wonderful miracle. And as a new mother, you take every opportunity to brag about and show off your bundle of love.

Different species… same love

The thing about motherhood is that all moms love their children. Along with humans, that includes animals such as gorillas. If you’ve ever visited a zoo where a gorilla recently had a baby, you might’ve noticed that just like people, they’re protective yet eager to show off their little one.

Unsplash/Jenna Norman
Unsplash/Jenna Norman

Creating memories

Moms also want to introduce their kids to things as a way of creating memories. Even when infants, they take their children on trips to various locations like parks and of course, the zoo. One mom did exactly that, she visited the Franklin Park Zoo with her beautiful baby.


Nothing out of the ordinary

On this particular day, Emmily Austin just wanted to spend some special time with her five-week-old son. She was feeling great and eager to enjoy the outdoors. All she expected was to walk around, look at different animal exhibits, and then head back home.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

Not what she anticipated

As Emmily and her son made their way through the zoo, they eventually reached the area where the gorillas lived. Like a lot of people, she’d always found them to be interesting creatures. But on this day, she noticed something familiar.

Unsplash/Dusan Veverkolog
Unsplash/Dusan Veverkolog

Another new mom

There in the enclosure was a mom gorilla that just like her, had an infant. Almost immediately, the two of them locked eyes. It was as though they bonded instantly over their babies.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

It only gets better

Now facing each other through thick glass, the mother gorilla, named Kiki, liked Emmily’s son, Canyon. For almost five minutes, she stared at the human baby. Then, she started to make sweet gestures toward the infant.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

Kiki’s son

This gorilla also had a son. Trusting Emmily, Kiki brought him to the glass so she could see him. At that moment, something special happened … here were two new moms enjoying each other’s precious miracles.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

Baby Pablo

Born in October, Kiki’s infant was given the name Pablo. As her fifth baby, she was already a pro. Holding the babies up to the glass partition, Emmily felt as though this gorilla was letting her know that everything would be okay … what a fantastic moment.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

Captured on video

Here’s another cool part of this story. The interaction between Kiki, Emmily, Canyon, and Pablo was captured on video. It was quickly uploaded to social media. On YouTube alone, it’s already garnered close to 50,000 views and received a lot of wonderful comments.

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

Touched by the experience

The experience made a big impact on Emmily. She stated, “When I walked into the zoo that day, I never could’ve imagined that we would have had that experience. It was so beautiful and we walked out just over the moon.”

YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine
YouTube Screenshot/News Central Maine

This goes to show that moms love their babies and want others to love them too. Although no one knows if Kiki will remember the special bond made but Emmily hopes so. She’d love to go back to the zoo and see if the mom gorilla recognizes her and her son.

If you want to see this beautiful moment, simply click on the video below.

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Source: ABC 7, News Center Maine
