Wild dolphin spots scuba diver in Hawaii and swims up to ask him for help
"The way he came right up and pushed himself into me there was no question this dolphin was there for help."
Jonathan Maes

It is often said that dolphins are actually incredibly smart and empathic animals, and the following story is definitely a prime example of that. Even though dolphins live in a completely different habitat from ours, that doesn’t mean that they don’t know how to communicate with humans.

In fact, dolphins are some of the smartest creatures swimming in the ocean.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

Studies about sea creatures are limited because they’re not accessible, so we’re never really certain just how intelligent they are. Seeing footage like this, however, definitely shows why they’re such precious animals.

It all started when a group of divers was spending time in the waters of Kona Hawaii.

Keller Laros was a part of the group, and still recalls a very special meeting and moment with a dolphin.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

Usually, dolphins actually try to stay away from humans, as they don’t know if they’re a threat or not. This dolphin approached the group of divers, however, and must’ve figured that they were trustworthy.

It turns out the dolphin needed help and was hoping that these divers would provide it.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

It was a beautiful day in January when the snorkelers suddenly noticed the dolphin. They had already heard him squeal through the water and just knew that something wasn’t right.

As soon as the animal came closer, they noticed that the dolphin didn’t behave in a normal manner. It seemed like the dolphin couldn’t move too well, and then Laros noticed what had gone wrong.

The dolphin was trapped in a fishing line.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

The situation was quite severe because he wasn’t just trapped.

The poor animal’s pectoral fin was pierced by a fishing hook, entangling the entire body.

For the dolphin, approaching these divers was a cry for help, and it’s as if he knew that these divers would be willing to assist. In fact, the animal even rolled around in an optimal position for Laros to loosen the fishing hook.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

“The way he came right up and pushed himself into me there was no question this dolphin was there for help,” the diver recalls in an interview with The Daily Mail.

Laros is a very experienced diver and even started the Manta Pacific Research Foundation years ago. He definitely knows his way around the water and its inhabitants, and he truly was the perfect person to approach.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

And even though he specializes in protecting and taking care of manta rays, he definitely has a big heart for all animals.

When the dolphin came closer the diver didn’t hesitate to help, even though the task at hand wasn’t an easy one.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

“I was trying to unwrap it, I got the line fishing hook out of the pectoral fin. There was a line coming out of his mouth. But, the line wrapped around his pectoral fin was so tight and he had cuts both front and aft,” the diver recalls. “I was worried if I tugged on it, it might hurt him more. I was able to cut the fishing line and unwrap it.”

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

Luckily, Laros had a pair of scissors with him and managed to cut the finish line and remove it from the dolphin’s body.

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

After the animal realizes that he’s finally been freed again, he swims off in the depths again. This actually isn’t the first encounter that he’s had with a dolphin, although it’s certainly the most memorable.

“I’ve had bottlenose dolphins approach me a lot of times and they are really smart animals.”

YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,
YouTube Screenshot - Keller Lagos,

It’s a good thing that this diver was able to help the dolphin out of its painful predicament. What an absolutely brilliant animal. The original rescue video has been viewed over 22 million times on YouTube alone.

“Dolphins are just incredible. Anyone who does not see the intelligence and peaceful nature of these amazing animals is missing something extraordinary in life.” one person commented.

Another said,

“This is the reason why we need to stop the killing of Dolphins they have consciousnesses and are aware, and nearly as intelligent as us.”

See this beautiful moment for yourself in the video below!

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