Neighborhood bands together for ‘famous’ injured owl upon recognizing his identity
He's no ordinary bird.
Sasha Alonzo

Owls are creatures that often evoke strong emotion — some people are utterly captivated by their ethereal beauty, while others find them mysterious, even a bit creepy.

Regardless of where you stand, it’s hard to deny the allure of these magnificent birds.

With their large, mesmerizing eyes and intricately patterned feathers, owls command attention.

Their unique features, from their wings and ears to their beaks, make them a subject of fascination and wonder for many.


One such individual who has long been enchanted by owls is Laura Burban, the dedicated director of the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter.

For Laura, the dream of experiencing the beauty of owls up close and personal had always been on her bucket list.

Known for her unwavering commitment to animal rescue, Laura is the kind of person who springs into action at the first sign of an animal in need—be it a stray cat, an injured dog, or, as fate would have it, an owl in a precarious situation.

Fábio Scaletta - Pexels
Fábio Scaletta - Pexels

The story unfolds in the quaint town of Branford, Connecticut, where residents discovered an owl that seemed to be in distress.

The bird was in the middle of the street and showed no signs of moving, which immediately raised red flags for the community.

Knowing that the owl needed help, the residents felt a collective sense of responsibility to do something, anything, to assist this feathered member of their community.

Monstera Production - Pexels
Monstera Production - Pexels

The concerned citizens knew exactly who to call for help—the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter.

Laura received the call and wasted no time.

She hurried to the scene, her heart pounding with both anticipation and concern.

When she finally arrived and saw the owl with her own eyes, it was evident that the bird was not in good shape.

Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook
Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook

Laura took to social media to share the emotional experience, writing, “This poor fella may have been bumped by a car because it doesn’t appear his wing was broken, but it might have been bruised.”

The rescue was a challenging endeavor, especially considering that this was Laura’s inaugural owl rescue mission.

She had to quickly adapt her usual rescue techniques to suit this unique situation.

Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook
Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook

Thinking quickly and carefully, Laura decided to use a towel to cover the owl’s head, aiming to reduce stress and keep the bird calm.

With gentle hands and a steady heart, she managed to wrap the owl in the towel and carefully lift him.

The next stop was a specialized bird rehabilitation center known as A Place Called Hope, where the owl would receive the medical attention he so desperately needed.

Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook
Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook

Upon arrival, the owl was examined and diagnosed with a fractured wrist.

But this wasn’t just any injured bird; this owl was a local legend.

Jamie Cosgrove, the town’s First Selectman, couldn’t help but share the owl’s celebrity status: “Everybody knows him. He’s sort of like a famous owl over there, like the mayor of the neighborhood.”

Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook
Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook

After a few weeks of attentive care, the community received the news they had all been anxiously awaiting—the owl had made a full recovery!

The atmosphere was electric, filled with joy and relief. Jamie Cosgrove had the distinct honor of releasing the rehabilitated owl back into his natural habitat.

It was a heartwarming moment that not only showcased the resilience of this remarkable bird but also highlighted the incredible power of a community coming together.

Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook
Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter - Facebook

While the medical care provided at A Place Called Hope was undoubtedly crucial, it’s hard to overlook the role that love and compassion played in the owl’s speedy recovery.

Laura, along with the entire Branford community, showered this owl with the kind of love that heals beyond the physical.

As this charming “mayor” of the neighborhood takes flight into the many more years ahead of him, he leaves behind a community forever changed, united by the simple yet profound act of caring.

For those interested in the full journey, the complete post awaits you below!

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