Husky neglected and left in backyard for years is finally free thanks to dedicated neighbor
Joey had never set foot outside of his backyard.
Ma Fatima Garcia

Going for walks each day, playing a game of fetch, giving them treats, and playing with toys are everyday activities for our pooches.

Unfortunately, not all dogs get to experience these activities, just like Joey, a beautiful Siberian Husky.

Lee Asher, The Asher House’s founder, has received several emails about Joey.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

According to the information that they have gathered, Joey lives with a family that keeps him in their backyard regardless of the weather.

They also don’t give him toys, walks, activities, or even treats.

One neighbor had seen this and felt the need to voice their worries for the pup. She said she had been giving Joey food through the fence.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

The kind neighbor had also tried her best to talk to Joey’s owner.

She stated that the dog required more affection, care, and attention, and if they couldn’t provide for him, they could take him in and give him the better life he deserved.

Joey’s owner was firm with her decision. She didn’t want to give up Joey.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

“I’m not going to give up on you,” the kind neighbor said to Joey.

She continued to feed the dog through the fence, sometimes talking to him. She was also the one who reached out to Lee about Joey’s condition.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Lee came to see Joey, and the neighbor said that lately, Joey’s owner had allowed her to bring Lee over, even giving him consent to spend a day with the dog.

The neighbor warned Lee that Joey didn’t have any other human interaction, and, true enough, the dog became overly excited upon seeing Lee.

Joey loved the treat, and at first, he tried to play with Lee, but the dog got carried away.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Lee made sure that Joey listened, and when he calmed down, he attached a leash and gave the dog his first walk.

As Lee walked Joey outside, the sight and smell of his front yard amazed the poor dog.

It was his first time being outside his backyard.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Fellow neighbors noticed Lee and Joey and they were all happy to see that finally, they took the husky for a walk.

“He’s such a good boy!” said Lee.

After a few weeks, Lee made a video update, and he was ecstatic to share that finally, all their efforts paid off.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Joey’s owner had agreed to surrender her dog to The Asher House.

Lee first got a few dogs from the Asher House and brought them to pick up Joey. This allowed Joey to familiarize himself with other dogs.

It was Joey’s first time to meet other dogs, and other people, and just see the world.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Upon arriving, his 25 brothers and sisters welcomed the beautiful husky.

Joey’s personality blossomed after just a few days.

He was able to run, jump, play with other dogs, get treats, and get hugs and kisses. Something that all dogs deserve.

YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House
YouTube Screenshot - The Asher House

Every day, Joey learns something new. Like his fellow pups, he’s ready to find his forever home.

Click the video below to learn more about Joey’s first taste of freedom!

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