Mother elephant wraps trunk around baby to protect him from danger
Mother elephants redirects curious baby.
Colby Maxwell

Of all the creatures of the world, elephants are among the smartest. The massive, lumbering animals are not the slow-moving dumbos that are sometimes portrayed! Watching animals, you sometimes get a rare glimpse into just how smart they can really be.

Emotion and relationships are really clear signs of intelligence.


Watching a chimp or gorilla interact with another of its kind is awe-inspiring. They can communicate through sign language, talk through body language, and show the depth of their emotions when they desire. They even give each other hugs!

Elephants do many of the same things that chimps can.

One of the things that the massive animals are known for is their motherly instincts. They will stop at nothing to make sure their baby is protected! This capacity for emotion, unfortunately, comes with the pain of certain things. There are quite a few recordings of elephants quite literally crying beside their dead loved ones.

These emotions ensure that babies are protected!


Without mothers caring, these endangered animals wouldn’t have made it very long as a species! Imagine if your mom just let you run in the road as a kid? It is the love and emotion of a mother that allows their babies to live on.

One video shows the gentle love and affection that a mother elephant can have for her baby.


While on a safari in Africa, a carload of tourists drive up on a mother elephant and her baby. The car stops and someone pulls out a camera to film the incredible encounter. The mother elephant notices that the car stopped for them and decides she is going to cross the road with her little one.

The baby is super adorable.


Baby elephants are as cute as a button, even if they grow up to be the largest land animals on the planet! This baby is no different – with its floppy ears tucked against its head, it seems unsure and unconfident in the world around it. Thankfully, mama is there!

Crossing the road, it seems almost like a human crosswalk experience!

As mama and baby cross the road, the baby gets a bit distracted by the strange metal behemoth before it. Wandering over to it, the baby leaves its mama’s side to look at the car. Mama stops when she realizes that her baby is distracted and goes to correct the situation!

Swiftly turning, the mother uses her trunk to redirect the confused baby.


We have all gotten the “don’t talk to strangers” and “don’t stare at people” talks as kids. This little baby elephant seems to have gotten both of these talks at the same time! The mama elephant didn’t use a voice, of course, but she used her trunk to redirect the little one.

It seems that this mama knows how tricky humans can be!


I don’t blame the mother in this situation at all! Who knows what the humans would do? There is probably some ancient elephant proverb that talks about humans and their trickiness.

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