Thailand is a beautiful place, but it doesn’t always have the friendliest of weather. Thailand experiences monsoons in the summer and winter, and as a result, it rains for about six months of the year.
Two years ago, during a seasonal monsoon, a man was outside recording the storm when he heard a weird noise in the distance. It almost sounded like kittens meowing, but he wasn’t sure where kittens would be when everything was slowly starting to flood.
The man and his neighbor decided to follow the meowing. They eventually found kittens trapped in water tanks that were slowly filling with rainwater. The kittens had been hidden there by their mother before the storm. And now, with the rising waters, they were struggling not to drown.
The men are shocked when they find the first kitten. In the rescue video, you hear her meowing loudly, begging them for help. Knowing they have to do something to save her, one of the men hops over the wall of the tank and plucks her from the water like a loving mama cat.
The men place the mewing kitten on the ground beside the tank as they try to see if any more are trapped inside The male in the black shirt shuffles through the water, moving waterlogged debris as he searches through the waves.
As the cameraman turns to look around, he spots another kitten hiding in an adjacent tank. “There’s one here,” he tells his partner. “This one’s made it into the float.”
The men free the second kitten and continue to look for any others. As they continue their hunt, the two rescued kittens scamper away in search of shelter. Luckily, all the kittens were reunited with their mom by the next day.
In the video’s description, the man explains, “After the flood, all four kittens were doing fine nursing with Momma and were playing hide-and-seek with each other hanging around the yard.”
“We left out food for them to find, and they had safe dry places to sleep, take their cat naps, and were safe from predators as they grew daily.”
The man says the grey kitten with the blue eyes was taken in as a pet, while the other siblings left the neighborhood when they were weaned. Although the property owner refuses to remove the tanks, the man says he removed the drain plugs so they’ll no longer be able to fill up.