Mommy Horse Gently Teaches Her Baby How To Jump
What a sweet Mom, she knew just how to fix it.

All little ones need a boost from mom every now and then.

One little colt was testing his boundaries near a wall on the property where they live – but he just couldn’t figure out how to get over it.

Luckily, mom is around to save the day. The footage of the incident is so sweet as she teaches her baby to overcome the obstacle.

In fact, it’s been viewed over 5.8 million times since it was uploaded.

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The horses appear to be enclosed in a fenced-in plot of land that has a little concrete wall in the middle.

The colt doesn’t seem very fond of the wall for some reason, so paces around it a bit, wondering how it can be conquered.

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In this meeting of the minds, there are not winners, and he seems to know that after a few minutes. After assuming it’s just yet another impossible thing in this great big world, it looks like the colt is going to give up.

He walks away dejectedly.

As it turns out, his mom had jumped to the other side, which made him want to follow her. And while it would have been a surmountable obstacle, to a little one, it’s just not clear how to get over it.

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According to Equisearch, “objects” are one of 7 common fears that an anxious horse can have. On their site they write:

“The objects that horses most commonly find terrifying include: rocks, farm equipment, cars, buildings, jumps, garbage cans and pretty much anything they consider out of the ordinary.”

The mare eventually realized her baby couldn’t get over the wall, so like any good mom, she offered him some guidance on how to get over the wall.

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So, she hopped back over to lend the colt a helping hoof.

While the mare looked like she was walking away at first, she was really trotting just far enough away to begin the tutorial.

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After all, you need to get a run up to anything you’re going to jump over as a horse.

Her kiddo was going to learn to hop the wall today.

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Then she offered a visual demonstration to the colt.

As mom runs and glides over, her colt follows. He just needed to see it done, it turns out!

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The person who filmed the precious scene wrote in the video description:

“The mare had gone up the small wall, and the colt was daunted at the prospect. The mare came back and got him. She even showed him how to gather speed to make it up the wall. It was beautiful to watch.”

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Many viewers have fallen in love with the sweet scene – and we agree!

Watch this sweet momma give her baby a lesson in the video below!


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