Mom gives corn to 'Teddy the Porcupine,' makes hilarious sound when she asks to have it back
This incredible and adorable talking porcupine has won the hearts of the internet!
Jonathan Maes

You definitely don’t come across many porcupines online, but this one is probably the most famous animal of his species. Meet Teddy Bear the Porcupine, a viral internet superstar who has won the hearts of millions. The animal star was first discovered years ago in a hilarious viral video, and his success definitely hasn’t halted since.


In one of the first videos, you can see Teddy the Porcupine getting a cob of corn as a tasty treat, but his reaction when mom tries to get it back is absolutely priceless.

The animal is absolutely adorable and grabs the entire corn, and he isn’t keen on sharing.

The whole thing becomes hilarious when mom asks for the corn back, but the animal keeps making funny and adorable sounds and it’s as if the porcupine is actually speaking. This goes on for a whole minute as the animal is too focused on his corn and doesn’t want to let go at all. Whenever Teddy Bear sees food – there’s nothing he won’t do to keep it.


With more than 13 million YouTube views, Teddy Bear has become a sensation on the internet.

The corn video was Teddy’s first appearance on the YouTube, but it definitely wasn’t his last. In fact, he’s even developed quite a fanbase since then.


In the following video, Teddy Bear the talking porcupine makes a return to the internet. He’s seen eating a gingerbread cookie and is completely in a holiday spirit. With a jolly Christmas hat on his head, the porcupine then wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! At least, that’s what everybody assumes he’s trying to say.

It turns out that the adorable animal also absolutely loves eating pumpkin, and Halloween is definitely one of his favorite periods of the year.

A couple of years ago, the porcupine even tried to predict the winners of the Super Bowl, much to the amusement of the internet.


“He has quite a demanding fan base,” owner Allison Blankenship said to TODAY. “They write to him if I don’t post. They want to know how Teddy is doing — he’s got quite a following.”

The woman even receives fan letters from time to time.

Waco Texas Photos
Waco Texas Photos

Allison is the owner of Zooniversity, which is an animal rescue organization that focuses on exotic animals and wildlife education. The kind woman adopted Teddy after someone found him after he was left behind as an orphan in a barn. Teddy now lives with more than one hundred friends, who have all been rescued as well and are residing at the Zooniversity animal sanctuary.

According to Allison, Teddy Bear is unable to return to the wild because he had earlier negative interactions with humans. She does know that Teddy is one of a kind, and a lot more talkative than other porcupines.

“North American porcupines all vocalize but Teddy is more talkative than most,” she added. “We don’t think he knows he’s a porcupine. He talks to the keepers all the time — we think it’s his method of communicating with us.”


As for the hilarious videos, Allison admits that Teddy is a huge fan of food. During special occasions, he gets special food as well, and he’s always overly excited about those delicious moments.

“Corn or pumpkin are not standard foods for him, so he’s super excited when he gets those,” she concluded. ” He has a very strict diet otherwise.”

What an absolutely adorable little furry animal! Be sure to check out the original video below.

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