When some animals are completely relaxed, they flatten themselves out so it almost looks like they’re dissolving into the floor beneath them. While the animals might not really be melting away, these photos will certainly make you do a double-take. Here are fifteen animals that took the saying “I’m melting” literally!
Three hamsters that have flattened themselves into pancakes while they nap.

A purring kitty that’s spilling out of their bed.

A dog that’s auditioning to play the Wicked Witch of the West in “The Wizard of Oz.”

When this bird’s owner holds him, he can’t help but melt.

Two quacking ducks that are melting down the side of a concrete pool.

A dog with some very unique melting jowls.

This melting owl is clearly enjoying basking in the sunshine.

This dog is great at camouflage—he knows just where to hide when his own wants to give him a bath.

An owl that has just heard about the planking trend and wants to give it a try.

A sleepy bulldog that’s melting onto his comfortable bed.

One hot squirrel that couldn’t be more grateful for a bowl of ice to melt into.

This cat should definitely challenge Mister Fantastic to a stretching contest!

A dog that clearly chose to sleep on this rug because of the way it perfectly matches his fur.

A flattened hamster that’s letting loose and relaxing on the couch after a long day running around its wheel.

A cat that’s baking in the hot afternoon sun.

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