We have all heard of stories about kind animals saving humans and other animals from danger. These kinds of impossible-sounding stories can happen at any time.

One pitbull in Tampa was caught up in an accident in the water.

Who would have thought that there would be a pitbull trying to lift its head up in the water? Apparently, the said pitbull accidentally got lost and fell into the river. Luckily, there were residents near the river who noticed the unpredictable situation. As the drowning pitbull was struggling for his life, Officer Lopez was then called to address it.
When Officer Lopez went to see what the commotion in the backyard was, he witnessed the most unbelievable thing

The poor pittie was drifting and was about to fall downstream into the sea. No one could do anything about it, and everyone was probably panicking seeing the dog hold on for his dear life on the sturdy sea wall. However, the dog was probably on the water for hours, and it might just take more than a few minutes until he is completely exhausted.
When everyone was losing hope, an unusual savior came into the scene

Officer Lopez noticed a grey figure lurking behind the drowning pooch. Looking closely upon the shadow, Lopez found out that it was a manatee! Known as sea cows, these gentle creatures have a long history of folklore and legend. Often thought to be mermaids, West African folklore prohibited the killing of manatees because of their gentle nature. They also believed them to be human at some point in the past!
A manatee had come up and was sitting behind the dog the entire rescue.

The manatee bought more time for the rescuers to act as he stayed behind the pooch, as if reassuring him that everything’s going to be alright. He hovered around the drowning pooch until Lopez managed to borrow an extension ladder and used it to get down to save the pooch.
Grabbing the dog out of the water, the day was saved and the owners were happy to have their dog back.

The manatee waited until the dog was gone and then slowly disappeared into the water. The gentle protector of the dog was gone. Once the owners came, they were glad to have their friend back.
We will never know what the manatee was thinking during the moment, but it is easy to see how folklore abounds with such majestic and funny creatures.

Officer Lopez shared during an interview,
“They’re curious by nature, so I’m sure the sound of the dog splashing in the water trying to get up the sea wall got his attention and he came over to investigate, maybe calm the dog and tell him it was going to be alright,” says Officer Lopez.

It is quite unthinkable that such a miracle could happen.

We often read stories and myths about sea creatures saving sailors from danger. It just says that these things really happen in real life, just as what happened in this video. If it weren’t for the kind manatee, the dog might not have been saved. It is amazing how a random sea creature helped the dog stay up until it was rescued.
Check out the rescue video below!
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